This review is on:

Samantha West


  • 2019-04-08 11:36:56
  • RATED 1

on 4.4.19 I ordered 199.46 worth of items. When i logged into my account to check status - it said there was no pending orders. The money came out of my bank account right away. I emailed on 4.4.19 & 4.5.19 and then again on 4.8.19. I finally got a response from them. They said they have marked it as a lost shipment. How could it be lost when it was never sent??!! So they told me that I would be waiting another 3 days to get a status on when and if they will send my items. I have already waited 4 days - the items were supposed be RECEIVED by 3-5 business days. So they are asking me to wait even longer than their standard shipping time to even get an idea of when the items will arrive?? I just want my money back and to NEVER deal with them again in my life.


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