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Problems don’t get resolved

  • 2021-07-17 03:06:10
  • RATED 1

I have the same problem with other reviews. My likes keep dropping but they won’t refill it unless it drops below the number you bought which they count my real likes too. Say I bought 700, my real likes are 300. I have to wait until it drops lower than 700 including my real likes and they said they would fix it. I gain likes each day but I can’t keep up with the number that drops each day. They don’t guarantee the drop. They said “ they only guarantee you have enough number what you bought and they count your real likes with their likes. Basically you will have less amount that you buy in a week. They always have this problem and they will say “we guarantee they number you bought!” They know the problem but they won’t fix it. It’s too bad I have to try a different company. I thought this would have been a good one:(


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