This review is on:

DTG Trade India Private Limited

Gayathri Ravisankar

I have personally experienced the product as the most effective one. It worked just in 7 seconds on my sinus problem. The same I noticed with a person with toothache. I saw the flames of my gas stove increased with the spray on the cylinder.

  • 2019-02-01 15:23:02
  • RATED 5

I am very much satisfied! I don't think if it matters if it is allopathic or homoeopathic or something else. It is not a medicine for that matter. It is a healing spray which works in just 7 seconds! I wish everyone experiment on yourself before going for purchasing! I am sure you will be amazed at the power of the product! If anyone one wants any help, feel free to contact me at 7569261234. I will happily do my service! Thanks to Mr. A R Raja for such a great product!


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