Are you someone who often struggles to talk with women and gets friend-zoned by them? Well I was the same, and just like you, I stumbled across this interesting program called “The Obsession Method”, that promises to teach you the art of approaching women and getting intimate with them. But does this program work? If you want to find that out, keep reading my genuine review on the Obsession Method.
What is the Obsession Method?
The Obsession Method is a digital dating and relationship guide written exclusively for men and is supposed to help them gain a better understanding of what women desire and thus successfully approach them.
It can turn you into a confident man who can easily strike up a conversation with any lady and impress her with-in minutes. The Obsession Method program is available in a pdf format, so you can access the guide on your phone before you approach a woman to polish your skills a little better. Want to know more about its offerings, then stick around a little longer.
About the Author
This incredible dating program was created by Kate Spring, Kate Spring is a renowned dating coach who has helped hundreds of couples through her 1-on-1 guidance sessions in order to help them achieve long-lasting relationships. She’s based in Vancouver, Canada, but due to her program (the Obsession Method), she’s gained a rather impressive fan-base across the globe.
That isn’t all there is to Kate Spring, she’s a BA Graduate from the University of Victoria and a best-selling author and a content creator. She also has a YouTube channel after her name and a website called “Love Learning” that can help you impress the woman you like.
Kate Spring has spent over 5 years teaching men about how to attract a woman they love and building a strong relationship with them. While other Programs are mostly written by men who speak from their experiences and may not work for everyone, Kate Spring’s the Obsession Method is unique since it has been by a woman, it gives you a glimpse inside the mind of the Gorgeous woman and teaches you just what she wants and how to give it to them and impress them.
What’s included in this program?
This program includes everything that you’ll need to capture the eye and heart of the woman you so desire. But for the sake of being detailed, in this Obsession Method program, you’ll receive an eBook (well duh) and a whopping 28- part video series.
This video series is a special perk and it definitely saves from the trouble of spending hours and hours on reading (if you don’t particularly like reading).
Hold on! That ain’t all that Obsession Method can give you.
When you purchase this program, you’ll also receive 3 much needed and useful bonuses, those bonuses include:-
How To Make Her Approach You ebook
This is the first one of the bonuses and as the name states, this ebook guide will teach you steps to make her approach you instead of you approaching her. You need to check out this guide if you’ve never had any woman approach you (for good reasons).
Sex Texts ebook
These days people prefer texts more than voice calls, so it’s pretty important to polish your texting etiquette whenever you’re trying to impress a lady. If you’re someone who is abysmal at texting then please do not ignore this ebook, because from my personal option, if you can turn her on with just a few spicy texts, she’ll definitely want to get more intimate with you.
Not to boast or anything, but thanks to this ebook I can get my lady about as wet as Niagara falls with just texts (FYI, I’m an average looking guy who is seriously into books and PC games).
Sexual wordsmith ebook.
This is the third bonus ebook and it is a little bit similar to the last bonus ebook, but while that one was like skimming the surface, it takes you deeper into the art of making her as wet as Niagara falls. It doesn’t matter which ebook you read (between sex texts and Sexual wordsmiths), it’ll give you the same benefits.
With these bonuses it doesn’t matter if you suffer the fear of rejection, are shy, or often stutter in front of a lady– you can still win your conquest (with sexting).
Why should you use the Obsession Method?
If you’re wondering why you should try the Obsession Method by Kate Spring, then think of the times when you were unable to approach a woman or given a cold shoulder by the woman with whom you tried to strike a conversation.
What if I tell that, all that could be avoided with Kate Spring’s Obsession Method.
Yes, you read it correctly, the program can teach you many things like:-
- Precision Tactics: This is the first thing you’ll learn in Kate Spring’s Obsession Method. Once you go through this and understand the method, you won’t be worrying about being rejected by women.
This program will teach you when you should make your first move, how to ask her out, and how to build sexual intimacy without coming out as a jerk/ playboy/ creep. With this program, you’ll finally correct the errors that you’ve been making while approaching women.
- Story mode: Story mode is your trump card because it’ll help you sow the seeds of desire and lust for you in her unconsciousness. But how? Easy, the program will teach you how to tell her a special story that can make her feel passion towards you.
- Body messages: Your Body Language is something that can either impress or bore the other person, so it is quite important to polish your body language. The obsession method will teach you how to correctly use your body language and make the lady comfortable and attracted to you.
- Desire protocol: Sexually arousing a woman is rather for men since it depends on numerous factors. But Kate Spring’s Obsession Method is stuffed with psychological hacks that’ll let you quickly get into her heart.
- Text seduction: After somehow managing to get a woman’s contact number, do you ever get left on “read”? Bet that hurts your pride more than getting your butt kicked. But that can be easily avoided with Kate Spring’s guide. In the Obsession Method, she teaches you the trick to get an instant response from the woman and how to keep her hooked.
- Married Man: Obviously, it’s not just single men that have a hard time being interesting enough for women to approach them. Married men also face such issues, this issue can sometimes lead to big arguments and even divorce.So it’s important to keep the fire of passion and romance burning between you both. Kate Spring, who is a married woman herself understands this and thus has added some valuable information that can help you reignite your romance.
If all that interesting information above doesn’t satisfy you, I don’t know what will.
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Good things are never free in this world and neither is the obsession method. but thankfully, this online dating program isn’t costly enough to drain your wallet dry and costs only $69.95.
When you purchase the Obsession Method program, you’ll also receive some goodies and bonuses along with it. The best thing yet, Kate Spring offers you a 60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.
Pros and Cons?
It’s time to get a little more serious and talk about what’s good and what’s not a.k.a the Pros and Cons of purchasing the Obsession Method program. Let’s start with the pros of purchasing the Obsession Method program.
- This program gives you numerous methods that can visibly make you much more confident when approaching women.
- The program was created from real research and not based on any type of guess-work.
- This program was created by a renowned Dating coach
- Written by a woman who fully knows and understands what’s important when trying to get close to a lady or what can make a woman find you attractive.
- The program is delivered to you within minutes after you purchase it (in most cases).
- You can download the program in PDF format.
- The guide is quite easy to follow with a clear method. You can often find it quite relatable.
- The methods provided in the program are tried and tested psychological research.
- You’ll receive up to 3 special bonuses when you purchase this program.
- The Obsession Method program comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee!
- This program will definitely make you attract women once you go through, it doesn’t matter if you’re poor or average looking either.
- Those are the pros of using The Obsession Method by Kate Spring, now let’s check out the things that I didn’t find great about this program.
- There are some instances where the program can feel a bit too preachy.
- There’s no hard copy available for this program, only PDF format; this can be rather frustrating if you want to mark some important part for quick reference or any other purpose.
- Much like any other dating guide, it can be used by the wrong people for the wrong purposes.
- The author mentions a few vulgar terms such as “Panty dropping”, which can make one feel like it’s more about 1 nightstand than serious dating/romance.
- Those are some of my least favorite parts of using the Obsession Method, but as you can see, none of them are too severe.
Final Verdict
It’s time to tell you the most important thing, is the Obsession Method program worth trying? Well tbh, it depends on you, I used to be someone who had never approached women and wanted to learn how to talk to them and get closer to them, if you’re someone like me, then this program is a must for you.
The obsession method wasn’t my first, but it definitely had more useful information than any other dating guide. But I felt that this guide frequently leaned towards one nightstand (which it actually didn’t).
This guide meant for people who are looking for long-lasting relationships and not casual hookups. Also, I recommend you watch the videos instead of going through the e-book, as there’s a lot to read.