At one point in our lives, we all had the urge to become independent. If you remember correctly I am sure this urge got higher when you were stepping into the adult world from a teen. And by independent I don’t mean independence from parents only, this included independence from all usual things. Including the societal norms and rules. And if you have already watched The Society then you have connected that point of your lives with the show.
This thrilling drama is based on the famous novel Lord of the Flies by William Goulding. If you haven’t watched the series but read the movie then you know the story already. A group of young adults return to their town after a vacation and find nothing similar.
All adults have vanished mysteriously and they find themselves trapped in the town. Surrounded by dense forest there’s no way to escape. they have no other choice than to grow up prematurely to get out of the dangerous situation.
The Society is a perfect young adult mystery series with elements of thrill, emotions, and heart wrenching drama. So if you loved this journey to become a butterfly from caterpillar, we are listing the top 10 shows like The Society to include in your next watch list. Check them out below
So following are the Top ten shows like society:
13 Reasons Why
Available on Netflix
More or less you all have heard about this show. The story revolves around a young high school student Hannah Baker who commits suicide leaving 13 tapes behind. In these 13 tapes, she had recorded 13 reasons that led her to take the extreme step. The story is shown to Hannah’s best friend and secret admirer Clay Jensen.
As the storyline progresses we uncover some of the worst nightmares any student can have that turned out to Hannah’s sad ending. Sex, drama, love and hate, suicide this show talks about a lot of societal taboos that we need to talk about. Through flashbacks, we see her story in a way that many of us can connect with. This show also shows us the pathetic mental condition of most young adults and the reasons behind it.
Stranger Things
Available on Netflix
Next on our list is one of my personal favorites Stranger Things. The plot revolves around a group of young friends who are on a mysterious journey to find their lost friend. Instead, they find a girl on their way who has some strange supernatural abilities.
As they proceed they come to know about more strange things that are beyond the explanation of science. The story takes unusual twists and turns with the entry of new characters. Stranger Things is a global hit so if you are finding some shows like The Society, this can surely be on the top of your list.
Sex Education
Available on Netfix
Another masterpiece in the world of teen drama. Sex Education is not all about sex and not even the usual vision towards sex. This show will present to you a whole new way to look towards sexual connections along with emotional ones.
The story revolves around a virgin kid who ironically knows more about sex than any other person in the whole town. Through the storyline, you will connect to your own experiences about the goods and bads of sex. Even the “unusual” sexual problems that most people have, is shown in a usual and universally accepted manner. So surely after The Society, Sex Education can get you addicted.
Available on Netflix
Many of you have experienced the difference between love and obsession. A lot of shows have shown us how terrifying obsession can be. But Joe in You can horrify the whole idea of obsession to some other level and give you chills down your spine. Joe is so obsessed to find love he kills anyone who comes in his way, without any mercy. The deadly combination of darkness and complex psychology will force you to stick to your couch and watch it on repeat.
That was the story of You in a nutshell. The dark theme of the show matches with The Society and of course, many of the readers will find themselves connecting to the storyline. Mystery, thriller, and drama are blended perfectly in each layer of You and you will love to binge watch it
Available on Netflix
Don’t go by the name because Dark is not really based only on a dark theme. This is science fiction with the elements of mystery and adventure. The story revolves around a small town in Germany called Winden. The children of the town go missing mysteriously. And the story takes an unexpected turn as four families’ pasts are seemed to be connected to the disappearance of children.
There are three main characters, Jonas, Ulrich, and Charlotte. Jonas is a teenager whose father committed suicide out of the blue. Ulrich’s brother is one of the disappeared children who left no traces behind. The story is portrayed through the eyes of these three. Another unexpected turn in the plot is the discovery of a time travel machine. Now to solve the mystery of the missing children, you have to join the team in their thrilling journey.
The Sparticle Mystery
Available on Amazon Prime
In this show similar to The Society the adults go missing all of a sudden leaving the children behind. The children find themselves stuck in a town with no restrictions and no rules. No one to scold them for not doing homework. Now it is obvious to enjoy their freedom at first. But as the storyline progresses they realize there is no one to guide or care for them as well.
That is when they team up with their friends and scientist “Doomsday Dora” to find out the missing adults. Turns out the whole mystery started after a scientific project called the Sparticle Project started. As the plot goes through the nail biting journey filled with thrilling adventure, drama, and mystery, along with the group you will uncover some hidden superpowers and high intensity entertainment.
Available on Netflix
A heart transplant is an “available to all” medical option today thanks to medical science. Ever thought how does the patient, who gets someone else’s heart, feel? Yes, of course being happy to be alive is the most common feeling you might be thinking about. But what if it stresses him/her up?
That’s the story of Chambers. A teenager gets a heart transplant but not only it gives her a new life but also it brings her a lot of stress. The feeling that someone else’s death is the reason for her life kills her from inside and she starts to hallucinate and goes through unbearable mental trauma. Along with her journey to struggle with her mind and heart, you will enjoy every bit of the crazy roller coaster ride of the show.
The OA
Available on Netflix
The OA can be named as one of the best shows ever made in the world of thrillers. Throughout the show, you will struggle to differentiate between real and fiction. The perfect blend of real and unreal will keep you hooked on your couches and make you want to watch it on repeat.
Even the insanity in the show is so beautifully depicted that you will mistake it to be sane. This show has all the elements of mysteries, adventure, thriller, romance to be similar to The Society. Not to mention the extra elements of science fiction and crime make the show even better. This can surely go on your next binge watch list and you will find yourself struggling to love or hate it.
The Red Road
Available on Amazon Prime
Jason Momoa (yes Aquaman) is in a human role in this show. The story revolves around police officer Harold who is depressed due to a financial crisis. His stress increases as it turns out that his wife is schizophrenic and also an alcoholic. In this stressful situation, a college student goes missing from Harold’s town.
That is when the story takes an unusual turn. With the entry of Philip (aka Jason) the story gets a boost. Harold comes across him and his hidden native tribe while investigating the missing case. Turns out Philip was a con man before and the tribe respects him a lot. How Harold and Philip’s journey together drop your jaws wider, let us know after watching the show.
Available on Amazon Prime
If you are a fan of the mystery element of The Society then Counterpart is a show for you. The story revolves around Howard Silk who is a secret services officer of the Government. The organization is so secretive that even he does not know what the organization does.
As the story progresses the amount of mystery and excitement increases too. Then with the entry of a parallel world called Earth Prime, the story takes an unexpected turn. The plot twists, even more, when it is revealed that Howard’s organization is the one that monitors the communication and transportation from this earth to the parallel earth.
The story gets even more exciting when Howard’s counterpart from the parallel earth informs him about the upcoming danger in his wife’s life. The unique combination of mystery, emotions, drama, thriller, and science fiction makes it a show worth watching again and again.
So that was our list of top 10 shows like The Society. Did we miss something? Feel free to add your thoughts in the comment section.