Released in 2011, You’re Next is a 2-hour horror/thriller movie following the story of the wealthy Davisons family, who seem to have pretty much all they need, but unfortunately, are estranged. In an effort to get the family back together, the parents, Paul and Aubrey decide to call their 4 children along with their significant other’s over to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
But what is meant to be an evening of joyful reunion soon takes a dark turn when the family is attacked by a number of masked assailants wielding crossbows. Their only choice to survive is to pull together.
This is one of those home-invasion subgenre movies that will leave you at the edge of your seat and keep up all the thrill once you’re done watching it, we’ve put together a list of movies you can watch next after You’re Next.
Here is the list of best Movies Like You’re Next:
Get Out:
Available on Netflix | Amazon Prime
This movie is good on so many levels. When it released in 2017, the Academy made a grave mistake in putting it under the category of comedies, and we’re not entirely sure why they did that. Could it be that the director Jordan Peele has always been known for his comedy skits on Key and Peele, or an underlying institutionalized form of racism, not taking this brilliant film seriously?
This film puts an eerie, terrifying spin on something that is already terrible to think about. It follows the story of Chris, an African-American who decided to visit his white girlfriend’s family over the weekend. Already filled with nervousness and anxiety over the racism he expects, he is in no way prepared for the twisted horrors he is about to face.
This movie is scary, and not in the typical jump-scare way. It takes grave social concerns and turns them into something that leaves us repulsed and terrified, and voices out loud the dangers of racism.
Checkout More Movies Like Get Out
Ready Or Not:
Available on Amazon Prime
This next movie on our list is another great watch! A mixture of horror, thrill, and comedy, it is one hell of a watch and will definitely leave you biting your nails, covering your eyes, cringing, and also laughing out loud. A great combination, Ready or Not is about Grace, and her happiness as she marries the man of her dreams on his luxurious family estate.
But, a night of great merriment takes a terrifying turn when the wealthy family tells her of a curse that says she has to hide from midnight until dawn while the rest of the family hunts her down with all kinds of weapons. Confused but scared, Grace tries desperately to survive the night until she decides it’s time to turn the tables on her in-laws.
With the perfect amount of suspense, gore, jump-scares, and comedy, this is definitely a lighter watch than You’re Next but a movie you should watch nonetheless!
The Strangers:
Available on Netflix | Amazon Prime
A 2008 American psychological horror movie, The Strangers is the next watch on our list! Following the story of a couple James and Kristen who go to a remote country house of sorts to spend some quality time with each other, The Strangers is a movie that terrifies you and plays with your mind as it shows us how quickly a time of affection and love changes when James and Kristen hear a knock on the door.
While this movie is more like your normal run of the mill horror flick where you’re left yelling at your TV because of all the bad decisions that characters make, it is definitely a satisfying watch if you like the genre. The movie even has a part 2 that released in 2018 (The Strangers 2: Prey at Night), so if you liked the movie enough, you have another to watch right after it!
It Comes At Night:
Available on Netflix | Amazon Prime
Next on our list is a more mysterious horror movie that was released in 2017, named It Comes at Night. Following the eerie aftermath of a mysterious apocalypse that doesn’t leave many survivors, two families come to live in a house together just to have that little bit of extra protection and togetherness when it comes to keeping at bay whatever is on the outside.
But the harmony soon gets replaced by a veil of suspicion that has them not being able to trust each other, wondering if what they’re been so scared of hasn’t been on the outside, but is actually something within the walls of they house they live in.
This movie is filled to the brim with mystery and is a really good slow-burn film if you like something that keeps you guessing and wondering and working with your mind throughout. Not as in-your-face as a lot of other movies on this list, this will definitely make a good watch after You’re Next that isn’t too similar, but also not vastly different!
Don’t Breathe:
Available on Netflix | Amazon Prime
Now this movie will definitely keep you sitting at the edge of your seat, and unlike all the home invasion movies preying on the poor people living inside the houses, this one will turn the tables right around and have us sympathising with, and rooting for the people who are invading the home in the first place!
Don’t Breathe is a 2016 horror/thriller movie that runs for about 90 minutes, and is filled with pure adrenaline and hair-raising moments all through it.It follows the story of 3 teen delinquents who decide to break into the house of a blind war veteran to steal his money.
And that does sound like the ideal situation, right? The man’s old, blind, and the trio is pretty good at stealing at this point. But unfortunately for them, the old, blind man is not as defense-less as they originally thought, and a night where they were supposed to emerge victorious and with a little extra cash turns into a night where the only thing they want is their lives.
Wolf Creek:
Available on Amazon Prime
When we find out that movies are inspired from real life events, it definitely makes the movie scarier. But, when the real-life events are not supernatural, and are the result of very real, terrifying people, the result is a movie that will leave us chilled to the bone with fear, and Wolf Creek is the perfect example.
Based on the hair-raising, devastating murders that took place in Australia, Wolf Creek tells the story of a group of backpackers who come to the country to explore and experience some great times, but things go south when they seek help from an eccentric local man who turns out to be a tourist-hating sociopath.
Not many movies have the power to leave us feeling hopeless because the characters are actually doing the right thing in the effort to survive but still don’t, and this is one of those movies. Watch it, definitely, but prepare to feel absolutely shaken.
Available on Netflix
Another movie by the amazing director and story-teller Jordan Peele, the next movie on our list is Us. After Get Out people have been aching for another movie from Jordan Peele and the man did not disappoint, coming out with another movie that is a dark twist on something a lot of us face in our lives; a fear that the thing we fear the most is ourselves.
Released in 2019, this movie follows the story of Adelaide Wilson (played by the extremely talented and beautiful Lupita Nyong’o) who along with her husband and kids, returns to the cosy beachfront home she grew up in as a child. But a traumatic past catches up to her and she’s left feeling a sense of foreboding.
Things give way to her suspicion when they’re attacked by 4 masked strangers, and take an even darker turn when the masks come off and they realise that the attackers look exactly like the Wilson family themselves.An eerie movie, Us is definitely worth a watch!
Eden Lake:
Available on Amazon Prime
The last one on our list, this next movie is a British movie that was released in 2008 and is the prime example of a situation where what is troubling you does not have to look terrifying from the beginning.
It follows the story of Jenny, whose boyfriend takes her to a disused quarry as a peaceful getaway from the hustle and bustle of normal life, and they spend a couple of hours actually achieving that until a group of undisciplined early teens disrupts their peace. Their pleas to be left alone go unheard as the group starts to play tricks on them, leading up to moments that actually make your skin crawl.
With gore, blood, and a whole lot of the scary outdoors by a quiet lake, this movie will probably leave you hating teenagers. But, on a more serious note, if you like You’re Next, this one should definitely be on your list!
And that brings us to the end of our list! Tell us what you think of these horror/thriller recommendations, and if you feel like we missed out on any good ones that you liked after You’re Next, let us know because we’d love to hear from you!