We all love to imagine about an apocalypse. More times than ever, that apocalypse that we imagine of is because of zombies. Well, its a fair assumption, as science fiction and action movies have taught us. Speaking of movies Like, i am legend is a classic. Because of a pandemic that spreads, the entire people of a city convert into zombies.
Living out here in this wilderness is our protagonist, will smith, trying to find a cure by researching these zombies. Everyday, he has a routine to follow which makes him search for food, other general supplies, and whatnot. Things take a turn as he goes out to lok for his necessities once again and then meets a certain train of events .
The entire movie is supposed to keep you on the edge of your seats and hence is the perfect zombie apocalypse movie to watch. However, if you have done so already, then we have the perfect list lined up for you. Today, we will talk about the ten best movies like i am legend that makes the entire zombie apocalypse idea more real and fun to watch. So without further ado, let’s begin.
Here is the list of the 10 best movies Like I Am Legend in 2022.
The book of eli
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Set up in a post-apocalyptic world, the book of eli is a must-watch. This movie takes a different approach to how the world ended, which is what makes it very different from the other movies in the category. The book of eli starts with the post-war earth, which has ruined the landscape and marked the end of humanity.
However, there are a few survivors, like our protaginst denzel washington, who are out there trying to survive. Eli tries to transfer this precious book to the person he happens to communicate with on the radio, in hopes of restoring humanity. Knowing the value of the commodity he is carrying, he is willing to risk his life and hence sets out on a path to deliver this book somewhere in west of the United states.
The entire story encompasses the hardships that he faces in order to deliver this book and fulfil his destiny to save mankind. The movie is great if you like action movies in general, but if the thought of apocalypse makes you even more excited then this movie is the one to watch. If you loved i am legend, then this movie is going to be a perfect follow up.
World war Z
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This movie is one of the most popular movies in the apocalypse category at large. World war Z was a huge sucess at the box office and hence is the perfect movie to add to this list. This movie, like i am legend is set in a time where a weird disease, that is spreading like crazy is transforming people into zombies.
These zombies are then trying to attack more people as they go in an attemot to make them zombies as well. However, our hero, brad pitt is here to the rescue, as the world governments send him on an expedition to investigate the origins of this disease. However, his investigations reveal that finding the patient X is a dead end.
He finds out that in some research laboratory of the WHO, the vaccine has been created, that can cure this disease. However, like every movie, the research facility s filled with zombies and hence is an adventure game level that brad pitt has to clear.
Finally, the hero does save the world from this circumstance. If you like watching movies Like i am Legend, that have elements of action, science fiction and a view of the post apocalyptic world, then, world war Z is the movie to watch.
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If you like to watch movies of foreign directors with a twist of action and adventure then, snow piercer is a movie to watch. Snowpiercer takes an actual concern of the practical world and tries to show a different view of the apocalyptic world than the general dystopian ones we’re used to watching.
This is the reason why this movie is very famous overseas and hence is included in the list as well. This movie talks about how climate change has affected the earth so much, that it’s uninhabitable now. Freezing the entire surface, and killing everyone on it as well.
However, there is a group of people who manages to survive this epidemic and has to live on a train that is in constant motion to stop freezing. However, the inequality on the train starts a rebellion, which is what’s covered in the entire plot. If you like movies that have action, adventure, and survival into account then snowpiercer is a great one to watch.
With Chris Evans in the lead role, there is a lot of action, adventure, and entertainment to witness. If you have never heard of this movie, then we highly recommend you to watch it.
The road
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The road is maybe not as popular as the other movies we have mentioned on this list, however, it is one of the finest. It is a movie that is incredibly attention-holding and hence is included in this list. Just like the other movies we have talked about, the road also considers the post-apocalyptic world.
However, the movie is based on the book which revolves around a father and son trying to get to the sea. However, “the road” that they walk on is full of difficulties and hardships. They are on the run from people that can turn them into slaves or worse. Running away from this the father so duo tries to keep humanity alive in their effort to reach their destiny.
The movie is very well crafted with thrills, action, and gore scenes as well. If you like movies Like I am Legend that have this entire shady background with a raw feel to them, then this movie is right up your alley. Even though it did not collect a lot at the box office, the road is a movie that we would highly recommend.
Train to Busan
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Next on the list is yet another highly popular post-apocalyptic movie, train to Busan. With a huge collection at the box office and very high ratings, this movie is one to watch for sure. This movie revolves around a father-daughter duo that is stuck on a train full of zombies.
The people on the train are infected by a zombie that has onboarded the train at one of the stations and now has infected everyone, but a group of people. This group tries to navigate their way away from the zombies to Busan, where there is a supposed military camp for their help. The movie marks its end by making sure that the duo reaches the camp safely.
However, the entire movie is filled with nuances that are fun to watch and always keep you on the edge of your seat. If zombie apocalypse is the taste that you have, then this movie is right up your alley. If you haven’t yet watched this movie, then we highly recommend doing so.
Edge of tomorrow
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One of the finest works of tom cruise in our opinion is this next movie on the list, the edge of tomorrow. With a bunch of mind-bending nuances and an entire alien race to fight, the edge of tomorrow is a movie that you would not want to miss out on. The edge of tomorrow stars tom cruise as an important piece in the world, which is being taken over by an alien species that can control time.
However, things take a turn when tom cruise gets the same power and is hence able to live the last day of humanity multiple times. The edge of tomorrow revolves around this entire concept of beating aliens at their own game, which is done very well by the director and the cast as well.
However, if tom cruise can help humanity at last or not, is something you would have to watch the movie for and we highly recommend doing that. Very different from the usual alien invasion movies, the edge of tomorrow is the perfect movie to watch. If you like action, adventure, fantasy, and tom cruise, then this movie should be on your watchlist for sure.
Children of men
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Children of men are often referred to as one of the best science fiction movies of the 21st century and we agree. This Movie set in anear apocalyptic world where people have lost the ability to be fertile due to various environmental factors and society is now at the brink of collapse. However, things take a turn when a woman is impregnated with the last child of mankind.
The protagonist of the movie, a civil servant steps up to save this child from the cruelty that awaits it. And in the process faces a lot of hardships. This movie sets out to reflect social behavior in hard times and draws a clear line between what should be done and what happens.
If you like movies where the main characters are on a run, then this movie is going to interest you for sure. If you haven’t yet heard of this movie, then we highly recommend you to watch it right now.
District 9
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Talking about an alternate timeline, district 9 is a great debut film by Neill Blomkamp. This movie has to offer things that are greater than most of the science fiction movies to exist out there and hence is the perfect movie for this list. This movie dwells on the concept of an alternate timeline wherein the 1982 people of Johannesburg have to live with the insectoid aliens that invaded earth at the time.
However, unlike other movies, this movie does not talk about the apocalypse in the way other movies have. This movie shows that aliens have come on earth for the welfare of humans which is what makes this movie interesting. However, the multi-national united organization that manages these aliens in South Africa is not concerned about their welfare, but mastering their tech instead.
The protagonist finds himself contracting something that alters his DNA and hence takes hiding in district 9. The movie has a lot to offer on both science-fictional and action levels. If you like such movies, then this is the movie we’d recommend to you.
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This movie is very interesting in all terms. Met with an alien force that you can’t even see without dying, the bird box shows you the terrifying side of an alien invasion. This movie is also set in a post-apocalyptic world where there are aliens that kill you as soon as you see them. However, if you dont see them, they can’t hurt you.
But knowing that humans are smart enough to keep their eyes closed, these aliens try to disguise themselves as your loved ones to open your eyes. However, the mother-daughter duo is trying to make it across the wilderness to a camp that is meant for blind people.
Being naturally immune to this problem, they have given shelter to people who seek it. If you like movies Like I am legend with a touch of alien invasion theories and their types then, this movie is the one for you.
The Matrix
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Last but not least, the matrix is one of the best post-apocalyptic movies to exist in the world of cinema. Taken over by machines, humans are now manufacturable and are put into this illusion of living by this all-powerful simulation. However, things take a turn when Keanu Reaves comes into the picture. He and his team are trained to beat the enemies in this simulation.
However, Keanu Reaves is this all-powerful entity in the matrix who can control it from the inside making him “the one” to save mankind. The entire trilogy is based on him and his team trying to save the entire human race from extinction which takes interesting turns at several points in time. If you haven’t watched matric yet, then it is a huge recommendation from the entire world of cinema.
If you have just finished watching movies like I am legend, then the movies mentioned above are going to sweep you off your feet for sure. The ones that we have mentioned on this list are some of the most interesting apocalyptic movies that we have come across and hence are perfect to watch if you haven’t already. Now you know everything About Movies like I am legend. We’re sure you will enjoy them. Till then, keep scrolling!