Learning a new language always seems like a fun idea. However, paying for tutors and attending classes can make the process expensive and exhausting. Here is where Mondly comes in, our on the go learning app.
This app lets you learn 33 languages, without you having to go out and attend classes, thus saving time and money.
What is Mondly?
Mondly is a language learning app. It enables users to learn 33 languages, in the comfort of their own home. The company is headquartered in Romania and was founded in 2013. The user base at the moment of writing this review is about 45 million and counting.
The app uses various learning tools- it includes course materials, augmented reality (AR), and chatbots. All these tools help users learn a language faster and easier. Mondly also allows its users to learn 33 languages in any combination, i.e., there is no need for users to learn a new language from English.
The users can maybe say learn Russian from French if that is their native language. So, you learn from your native language. The app is available on both the Google Play store and the Apple store. This language-learning solution is also available on the web, as a web application for desktop users.
The Different Ways of Learning through Mondly:
There is some free content on the app that’s available for the users to go through before enrolling for a language or more. However, the users are required to buy a subscription to access the full content. The app provides a variety of ways for users to learn such as,
MondlyWORKS is a language learning solution for business establishments, government agencies, and education institutes. Within a dedicated dashboard, businesses can manage, and get a statistical overview while maintaining the focus on the user’s journey.
This is the virtual reality app form Mondly. It places the users in a virtual scenario, thereby enabling them to experience the said environment and learn languages the process. For example, if a user is practicing a “Hotel chat,” the Mondly VR app will put them in a hotel environment to have a chat in the language they are learning.
This tool by Mondly scans the learner’s home environment and u1ses Augmented Reality to show a virtual tutor in augmented reality to help them learn a new language. The user can tap on the animations, interact with the app, walk around for a 360O view of the environment. It is very similar to classroom teaching but doesn’t involve sitting in a particular place and taking the lecture.
This app structure is very similar to the main Mondly App; however, the illustrations used for teaching are interactive, kids friendly and fun.
Getting Started with Mondly:
Mondly is available both as a web application and a mobile app. It is available on both the Apple store and Google play store. Following are the steps to start learning with Mondly:
- A new user doesn’t necessarily require having an account on Mondly. They can simply navigate to Mondly Web App or download the app from the PlayStore.
(An account is however recommended if the user wishes to use the app over various devices, thereby keeping track of the lessons and progress.)
- To sign up, user requires to select the language they want to learn and the level in that language.
- Then a series of questions about themselves is to be answered by you.
(Name, email address, and password)
The app can also be linked to their Facebook or Google account.
- Once the user has signed up (or before, if they don’t want to sign up), there is a tutorial that they can complete.
- The tutorial shows the basic features of the app and navigation. The tutorial then proceeds to a prompt for a subscription. If the user wishes to try the app first, they can click on the “Skip” button.
- If the user skips the tutorial, they are shown a sample conversation before proceeding to learn basic vocabulary and phrases.
- The first learning sequence in a short test, for getting the hang of the course of learning with the Mondly app.
For the learning session also, the users are given points and shown a statistic of their learning curve.
- The options with a free account are limited. The users have access to a “Help” section, with which they have access to seven lessons and daily lessons.
The daily lessons are unlocked every 10 hours and can be completed quickly. If the user completed the daily lessons on time, they can unlock extra learning material. This serves as a good motivation. The daily lessons are concluded with weekly tests to monitor the progress.
The paid account gives the users access to a variety of categories such as:
- Hello
- School
- Seasons
- Sports
- Vacation Activities
- Pets
- Entertainment
- AR
- Chatbot
These categories provide an excellent base for the users to learn to converse. There are many more of these. Although the topics occur in a specific order, the users are free to complete these as they like. There is a grading system to mark the user’s progress with each lesson. The users can compare their growth with others learning the same language. Earning points after each lesson will help you advance in the leaderboard.
Mondly teaches the words and phrases that the user is likely to use in the real world. The focus is more on the conversation and an attempt is made to teach the language organically. The app helps to stay focused and motivated. The audio quality is great as well since real voices are used in MondlyVR instead of robotic ones, thereby helping in creating a more real experience for users. However, with all this in mind, we believe Mondly could focus a bit more on Grammar and maybe could include podcasts. With that said, we wish you happy learning!