The last twenty years have seen scientists testing CBD’s painkilling ability, and so far, it has proven effective with promising results. This initial progress is encouraging for those who want to use CBD products to relieve chronic pain. No wonder research results show that 62% of Americans using CBD for medical reasons do so to relieve chronic pain, joint inflammation, and arthritis.
Moreover, CBD has minimal side effects and zero addiction risks among users. CBD lovers can use it in different forms. For instance, those who don’t want to take oil can use gummies. These sweet chewing gums are excellent ways of tapping into CBD’s pain-relieving power. The gummies are safe, natural plant-based solutions.
Our article focuses on these chewing gums and how they help alleviate chronic pain. Read on to learn and benefit more from their painkilling power.
What is CBD?
Let’s start by defining CBD before examining how it helps alleviate pain. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the two principal cannabis components. This element is mild and doesn’t make users “high” or addictive. In the US, legal CBD products usually come from hemp, a cannabis variant of the cannabis plant. The difference between hemp and marijuana is that the former contains less than 0.3% THC.
CBD products are legal under federal law and in most states. However, different states have varying laws regulating CBD products. CBD in gummies has proven to be effective against different pain-related conditions, such as the following:
- Inflammation: CBD reduces joint pain associated with various forms of arthritis. Its anti-oxidative power hinders systematic inflammation by fighting oxidative stress.
- Migraine: It reduces migraine-related pain many traditional painkillers can’t handle.
- Neuropathic Pain: CBD effectively deals with pain caused by lesions or diseases affecting the somatosensory nervous system.
- Osteoarthritis: This is a painful joint condition that CBD’s antagonist power fights by blocking or debilitating the GPR55 receptor. This intervention slows osteoarthritis by promoting bone reabsorption.
- Cancer Pain: CBD effectively relieves cancer-related pain.
CBD and Chronic Pain Relief
So, what is chronic pain? It is any type of painful condition lasting several months. Research has proven that CBD is effective in relieving different chronic pain conditions. In a clinical trial, Sativex, a spray with equal CBD and THC portions, successfully alleviated cancer-related pain. The spray also relieves multiple sclerosis-related pain. Canada has already approved this CBD remedy for treating cancer pain, and it is undergoing trials for approval and use in the United States.
Moreover, Sativex is highly effective and well-tolerated when taken as a supplementary pain relief remedy among patients with severe pain related to different health conditions. Some of these forms of pain include nociceptive pain that affects body tissue, neuropathic pain that affects nerves, and mixed pain. Preliminary studies also found that CBD effectively relieves chronic pain conditions associated with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis.
Which CBD Gummies Relieve Chronic Pain Better?
So, we have seen that CBD alleviates chronic pain stemming from different health conditions. But which form of CBD is the best for relieving this problem? Gummies with broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD are the answer to these issues, as they work better than those made with CBD isolate.
Full-spectrum CBD retains all the cannabinoids and other curative cannabis components, including a minimal dose of THC (under 0.3%). Broad-spectrum CBD contains the same variety of healing ingredients but without THC. While some evidence suggests that full-spectrum 500 mg edible gummies are more beneficial, the final decision depends on your preference and the product you are more comfortable taking.
How CBD Fights Chronic Pain
How does CBD fight chronic pain? This section discusses ways CBD relieves pain by acting upon our endocannabinoid system. Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system comprising three main components:
- Cannabinoid Receptors: These receptors are CB1 and CB2. The former predominantly exist in the central nervous system, the nerves connected to the spine, and the brain. These receptors control the body’s cognitive and emotional effects of cannabis and our pain perception. The latter receptors are predominant in our peripheral nervous system and the immune cells. This system comprises nerves outside the spinal cord and brain, like those in the arms and legs.
- Endogenous Cannabinoids: These are the cannabinoids the body produces.
- Enzymes that Promote Cannabinoid Use and Breakdown: The body’s endocannabinoids function on demand. That means when the body senses inflammation or needs to return to homeostasis (a state of stable balance), it releases endocannabinoids that connect to cannabinoid receptors.
However, CBD on its own doesn’t connect to receptors. Instead, it works by inducing other cannabinoid system elements. CBD in gummies affects the central and peripheral nervous systems and the immune system differently. It works with the body’s endocannabinoid system as an antioxidant, decreasing inflammation and relieving pain. Early pilot studies show that CBD even slows osteoarthritis progression and prevents nerve damage.
How Much CBD Should You Take for Chronic Pain Relief?
The question of administration and dosage is critical to benefit from CBD gummies. So far, the clinical community has no conclusive standard dosage recommendations because CBD products were legalized just in 2018.
However, establishing the ideal dosage depends on your body factors and prior experience with CBD. It’s still possible that after using gummies with CBD isolate, full-spectrum chewing gums can cause a different effect.
The rule of thumb is always to start your dosage on the lower side, especially if you are new to CBD products. The moderate CBD gummy dosage ranges between 10 mg and 15 mg. After taking a dose, you should wait for up to 1-1.5 hours and evaluate the intensity of your sensations for several hours. If you don’t get your desired pain relief level, you may slowly increase the dosage until you achieve optimal results.
Remember, CBD chewing gummies might need one to two hours before they start alleviating pain. The gummies’ relief can last between 12 and 24 hours because the body’s digestive system needs to process CBD before it reaches the liver.
Should I Use CBD Gummies to Relieve Chronic Pain?
Now, can anyone use CBD gummies to relieve chronic discomfort? Let’s find out who may use these edibles, who shouldn’t consume them, and the reasons for choosing this product type. Initially, CBD oil was the preferred way of consuming CBD. However, some people don’t like it, thus the need to explore sweeter alternatives, like CBD gummies.
CBD candies are perfect pain relievers because they are easy to use and more convenient than oil. They are easily portable and lightweight, making carrying them on the go easier. Moreover, edibles aren’t messy because they don’t spill. Lastly, you can use these remedies discreetly because they don’t produce a cannabis smell that attracts unwanted attention.
So, can anyone use these gummies? Yes, but after consulting your doctor. This step protects you because you might be using some conventional drugs that interact with CBD. A doctor will confirm how CBD might interact with other medications and your body’s overall response. The doctor can also help you determine your ideal dosage and prevent potential side effects like vomiting and fatigue.
All pregnant women should abstain from CBD products because if can affect female hormones, which are essential for maintaining reproductive health during pregnancy.
Parting Shot
There you go with everything you need to know about CBD gummies and their painkilling power. We hope this information will enlighten you to make an informed choice next time you want to try CBD for pain relief and other forms of physical or mental discomfort.
The author of this material is Tia Moskalenko, an expert in CBD product selection and a passionate fan of the cannabis industry sector, seeing bright prospects for people’s health and wellness in the increasing accessibility of CBD remedies. Tia works as a regular blog contributor at AskGrowers, where she shares her knowledge and product picks with users.