Looking for a stock trading app?
Trading stocks online might seem complicated at first but a little catching up with the trends, just like stocks themselves – a little investment, patience and you can be minting money from your house on a daily basis. With the right help involved, you too could be a good stock investor, multiplying your investment with each investment. What help you may ask? And I’m glad you asked (not really). This list is dedicated to that very answer. Trading apps.
We’ve compiled a list of the best trading app in world of stock trading and financial investment through thorough research that involved public ratings, professional reviews, trading company portfolios and the power of love. These trading apps represent the industries best, each with a specific function of their own.
What are stocks?
Stocks are simpler than you might think. In simple terms they represent a part of the shares of a corporation which you can buy and the value of the stock keeps adjusting based on a multiple factors (such as release of a new products, public relations, press releases, mergers/takeovers, announcement of dividends, etc). As an investor, if you keep up with these trends for the companies that you invest in, you stock portfolio is go nowhere else but up. Your purpose is to buy these at a lower price and sell at a higher one. The function of the best trading app is just that.
OK, maybe it is a little more complicated than that but those key factors often decide what the fate of your investment would be, a stock market app helps be updated about all these factor and lets you make investments on the go. Along with it comes some risk but if you’ve been living under a rock or were frozen through time – I have news for you, there’s no free lunch (pretty sure you didn’t get that either, since, you were indeed frozen through time. You’re the one who needs a rain-check, Steve!).
With that aside, here are some of the best stock trading app that help you invest with ease, help you learn about the world of stocks and keep you up to date with the trends. (Add this one to your list of things, Cap.)
Here’s the list of Ten Best Stock Trading Apps & Websites:
1. Acorns – How to trade stocks for dummies?
Rated the best trading app for beginners (a.k.a. dummies), Acorn goes out of its way to give you investment tips and pretty much build a portfolio for you based on a simple questionnaire. It links to your bank account and tracks your spending. It then rounds it all up to the nearest dollar and invests it for you. While not the best stock market app, it is very good for a select group of people.
You also have an option to manually transfer money and make your own investments. It is probably the best app for beginners on this list as it pretty much does your job of building a diverse stock portfolio for you. It’s so simple to use that even an Avenger that was frozen through time, say one whose name starts with an ‘S’ can use it. You know who I’m talking about.
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2. Robinhood – From poor to the rich; one stock at a time. 
As the name suggests, this is the best trading app in the free category that lets you trade without any annual or monthly fee involved. The catch is that you’ll miss out on full spectrum investments like mutual funds and the advance features are locked behind a paywall, you won’t miss out on the whole investment experience if you already know how to trade. If you’re new, probably not for you.
The caveat of this stock market app is that you have to keep track of your own stocks and investing is an easy as a search of the stock and clicking invest. You can choose how many stocks you want to invest into. Thankfully, the app doesn’t restrict your investments or how you do it.
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3. E*Trade Mobile – This stocks app is for the big boys… 
Here is a stock market app which has a pedigree that exists way before you had your iPhone’s (y’know, when friends were people we could touch and see before our own eyes). E*Trade online was an online investment leader before the days on mobile marketing and it remains the placeholder of the title of “best trading app” even now.
The stock market app offers a premium paid service which offers your some premium trading features. You can track your investments, invest in stocks, mutual funds, ETFs (exchange-traded fund) and much more. It offers even more complex trading options – meaning if you’re a pro at this stuff, you’re at home. If you’re a newbie, sorry. (Go away Steve!)
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4. TD Ameritrade mobile – The all-rounder stocks app in the family. 
This is an all round app, doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie or pro. It has something at offer for both sides. The app gives you advice, tips and helps you build an all-round-diverse portfolio if you’re new to all this and offers a big buffet of premium trading options if you’re a shark, looking for blood. Might not be the best stock market app but it’s pretty close.
The stock market app takes the same autonomy that you would have in a desktop app and put it into the small screen of your phone. You can invest in stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, etc. If you’re a beginner, it’s suite of instructional articles, research, graphs, videoes, intuitive stock alerts and customizable dashboard will ease you into this cut-throat world of trading. One you’re in, you’re in. That the first rule of Trade club. And the second one, you don’t mention the first one, Tyler.
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5. Wealthfront – The C3PO of stock trading apps 
We all know that maths is for nerds. So, this app helps you remain a cool person by doing all the nerdy mathematical, algorithmic mumbo-jumbo for you. Jokes aside, Wealthfront is a California based all online investment service firm, they broke grounds with their automation based service which helps you make investment decisions based on pre-programmed constraints, rules of math and algorithms. The stocks app has been dubbed the ‘robo-advisor’.
The stock market app runs with next to no human intervention. It is to be noted that this is not a proof of concept but a legitimate, real-world application of automation (best trading app in automation) and it comes with its perks. It works very well. You’ll need 500$ to start-off and it comes with an investment portfolio reviewing tool inbuilt. So, you can have a robot criticize your choices instead of a human-being. (best stock market app, ever!)
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Also Check: 7 Best & Free Online TV & Movie Apps In India for Android & iOS (2021)
6. Scrutify – A social network for the rich nerds 
A social networking app for all the stock traders across the world. You can join in, open discussions, join communities and meet people with similar portfolios as yours – exchange a few tips and tricks here and there. It is the largest repository of community written articles in the world of trading stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, etc. You can keep tabs on the situation of markets with regular updates provided by the app itself. The stocks app even gives you reminders about your own investments if you care to share that information with it.
It also provides you with the option to integrate your trading accounts with other apps like E*Trade, Robinhood, JStock, etc. You can pretty much makes trades using your accounts while still in app. It also comes with some other nifty integrations of social media accounts and the whatnot’s. Not best stock market app – its reviews are pretty much in the dumpster, however, it is the only one out there.
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7. Stockpile – Even a baby can invest in shares 
Stockpile is a stock market app much like any other, it lets you buy stocks, ETFs, mutual funds and do other trade related activities. Where it radically differs from other apps it its ability to let you make fractional trades – gift a single share or buy fractions of one share. You can buy full shares and make proper investments for your account. This stocks app lets you buy part of the large cap shares without shedding all your money.
The stock market app is a good for families that want to enter trading. Children can start building their portfolios from a relatively small age without the risk of loss on larger investments. However, they can still enjoy the experience of trading larger stock like Hathaway, JP Morgan, Exxon Mobil, etc.
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8. TradeHero – Become a stock broker without going broke 
TradeHero is a good stock market app for practice in investments and the experience of being a stock trader in the stock market. Y’see, its not a real world stock trading app, no real money is involved. So, no real risk is involved. It’s like The Sims, but unlike that game – it is useful and doesn’t twist your arm for extra money for a useless broken piece of sh…
There is a starting amount you are given to build your portfolio, the stocks app works pretty much adhering to real world stock market rules. You must check the trends, the health of your investments, etc. It’s a fun time and a truly learning experience. Great app for beginners who want to invest without any risks. A premium aspect is locked away behind a paywall, but it’s better that way. Pretty much the best stock market app which is not a stock market app also. Trust me, Steve.
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9. JStock – Information that will make your head explode 
If you’re a newbie, stay away from this stocks app. It’s probably going to break your mind, or something. JStock has an extensive suite of trading options. It gives you research, news, trends, graphs and regular updates about the state of your investment. Complicated stuff, which is best left to people who’ve been doing this for a while.
This stock market app is however, a breath of fresh air for pros who will find this to be the one stop shop for all their trading needs. It is the best trading app for people looking for a lot of information about stocks. The stocks app is not pretty but it’ll get your job done just fine.
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10. Bloomberg – You’ve heard the name 
If you’ve ever turned a TV on, I bet you’ve heard of that name. A mega TV corp that is pretty much dedicated to stock market trading channels. Bloomberg has been at the forefront of stock trading news for as long as we can remember. Now, it comes as a stocks app that provides you with every titbit of the same experience on your phones screen.
The stocks app doesn’t let you trade but gives you live updates, live stream of its TV news, stock updates, news articles and much more from the world of stock trading news. YOu shouldn’t miss a second of it, if you’re a professional trader.
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That’s all there to it folks!