Obi Wan Kenobi once said “This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age”, He clearly never had a nerf gun as a child. While lightsabers are fun, they have something in common with Obi Wan Kenobi – they’re both not real. I’ll tell you what is – Nerf guns and blasters. And he was wrong, they’re really fun.
I’m not big believer of the statement “toys are for children”, I think every adult reading this should buy a nerf gun if they want to do so, in fact, buy one for each member of the family and duke it out in a king of the hill styled match.
Nerf guns are these meticulously built pieces of art, a true testament of human ingenuity. If people believed in them, there would be no wars (Sarcasm!). Sadly, that’s not our reality.
However, I do have something at offer for all the Nerf herders and interested folk reading this,
A list of the best Nerf blasters and guns. Here we go:
Nerf Elite 2-in-1 Demolisher
This assault rifle styled nerf blaster. One of the cool nerf guns on this list. It comes with a 10 dart banana styled clip. Shoots up to 90 feet and is reasonably priced.
A 2-in-1 that doubles up as a nerf machine gun and a projectile launcher. Fun for kids and family.
Nerf N-Strike Elite BattleScout ICS-10 Battle-Camo
This gun looks like its right out of a sci-fi film, something that Commander Shepard would use to fight the Reapers. Sorry, non-Mass-Effect-nerds (its cool looking and would be used by a space warrior from the future, who is fighting aliens that look like giant bugs).
Its side loading magazine is a cool feature. Another one of the cool nerf guns. Plus its also one of the cheap nerf guns, found online at a reasonable price.
BOOMCO Rapid Madness Blaster
Video games do this thing where you’re given a gigantic laser gun right before fighting a ‘big monster’ boss.
This is that gun. It has a giant 20 dart capacity and with the press of a button, two small shields come up from the sides to shield you during any close counter combat scenario.
In terms of its looks it’s one of the best nerf guns ever. This one a look I tell you.
BOOMCO Halo Covenant Needler Blaster
Oh boy! As an official Halo nerd, I’m more than delighted in introducing this weapon. The needler is a weapon used by an alien coalition force known as The Covenant.
While the covenant are scummy, cowardly and dishonourable (except the Elites, they’re awesome) this gun is not. It is a worthy weapon, for a worthy opponent. If there are any Halo fans reading this, buy this.
Nerf Rival Apollo XV-700 (Blue)
Somewhat of a more minimal approach to nerf guns, this is a smaller pistol gripped nerf gun. Catered to casual nerf herder, or maybe people with an overreliance on sidearms.
Closely resembling a Starfleet phaser in its design (as close as nerf gun can). Blaster holds 7 nerf darts (balls in this case) in its tiny magazine. The mechanism is one involving a springload, don’t expect it to blow your opponents through the wall, let alone your expectations. Just one of the cool nerf guns, not much functionality here.
Nerf Doomlands The Judge
In terms of its aesthetics and design ingenuity, this is one of the better ones on the list (if not the best nerf blasters). The Doomlands reminds me of the BFG (its big f…force gun).
A big dial like chamber sits in the center which houses the darts, it spins every time a shot it taken, firing three shots at once. If you’re the one holding this gun, people will show respect.
Nerf Modulus Regulator
Nerf guns that use white colour look pretty dope, this gun uses white, it’s pretty dope.A nerf machine gun resembling a conventional assault rifle, it gives you 3 different firing modes; single shot, burst fire and automatic.
All the bells and whistles here with scopes, a magazine holder and a swivel handle to stabilize shots. If there’s anything I would tell you, its that Modulus takes nerf guns too seriously.
Nerf N-Strike Elite CrossBolt Blaster
One of the most powerful nerf guns on this list, the crossbolt shoots up to 90 feet (just be careful not to point blank your friends unless you want to punch a permanent dent in their your impressionable heads – sorry, too visual). The blaster is also amongst cheap nerf guns, so, that’s a good thing. It’s a crossbow, meaning one of the zombie strikes nerf guns. 110/100 would recommend.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega Magnus Blaster
Any gun that looks like the Lawgiver from Judge Dredd is A-okay in my book. You don’t necessarily have to share that sentiment, since, this gun isn’t going to make you feel like him with its flimsy peashooter power.
If aim it right and shoot at point blank range, you just might end up annoying your cat, not much guarantee there either. Same ’Ol blue and orange aesthetics, not much else to offer.
- Cool design
- Not much range
- Bad colours
Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow Blaster
Well, well, well….an actual zombie strike nerf gun and it’s a crossbow. Cool design and choice of colour. Can shoot up to 4 darts, two at a time. Not much power behind under the hood.
Hey! If this is your thing, I’m not one to judge.
BOOMco. Stealth Ambush Blaster
The Stealth ambush blaster is one cool looking gun. The red, grey and the blue colour combination works very well with the futuristic gravity gun design.
While it might not qualify as the most powerful nerf gun, it does pack some power for the relatively small package – fires upto 70 feet. A nerf gun worth its price-tag. It also exemplifies how far nerf guns of 2018 have come.
Nerf Official N-Strike Elite Strongarm Blaster
A hand blaster that shoots up to 90 feet and holds more than 4 darts.
Not much of a deal breaker for people who like pistol grips.
Nerf Rival Zeus MXV-1200 Blaster (Red)
In my opinion, Rival series of nerf guns are amongst the most unique and visually pleasing toys. They flip the conventions of what one comes to expect from nerf guns (orange-blue and plasticky).
This nerf masterpiece is no different. Comes with an easy load mechanism and requires batteries to operate.
Nerf Zombie Strike Brainsaw Blaster
Even though the might give your children PTSD, the Brainsaw is one cool sounding and looking nerf gun. In fact, this one is one of the best nerf blasters on the list.
Replica of a video game chainsaw, the Brainsaw fires one round at a time. Also, its one of the zombie strike nerf guns, heard the kids love these.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rhino-Fire Blaster 
Honestly, I have no idea what this is for or who needs it. I thought this list was about toys that children and adults could enjoy, have a safe and fun playtime.
If you’re an individual who doesn’t like playing fair, this one is right up your alley. This thing would make sure that no kid ever plays with your kid because they’re probably dust. N-strike took the whole ‘Blaster’ thing a little too seriously. A drum loaded, battery operated nerf machine gun. The Rhino just might be the best nerf gun on the list but it is no toy.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Hail-Fire Blaster 
What is with some of these toys?!! Even the kid on the poster who holding this nerf ‘toy’ looks scared of it. An eight quickload magazines monster, that houses up to 144 darts (overkill much?), whoever you point this towards and press the trigger is thrown back in time.
Ok, excluding the last part, this is a good nerf gun (one of the cool nerf guns that’ll make heads turn). It uses batteries and has a quick-fire mechanism built it. One of the most powerful nerf gun on the list is an understatement.
Nerf Rival Artemis XVII-3000 Red 
Imagine the Rival Zeus with two magazines and and front grip for more accurate shots., this is just that. The design elements are different here and there.
Its a case of “don’t fix it, if it ain’t broke.” Another example of new nerf guns of 2018 and how they’ve changed the nerf formula. Just don’t expect it to be one of the cheap nerf guns.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor 
It’s a cheap nerf gun, not much else. A six shooter design with a loading barrel to the front of the gun. Same old N-strike orange-white- blue color combination.
If you’re thinking of buying your kid a gift and aren’t a nerf gun enthusiast like us good people here at ReviewsXP. A simple air pump action nerf gun. Won’t drive too much power out of this small flimsy plastic piece.
Nerf Modulus Tri-Strike 
A smaller version of the Modulus Regulator.
Same three modes. Slightly less powerful and a more kiddy friendly design. Not nearly as incentivising as the last deal. It is slightly cheaper, just like you if you buy it.
Nerf Doomlands 2169 Persuader Blaster 
Each blaster from Doomlands looks like its right out of a video-game or a sci-fi film. This one tries to replicate M2019 police issue Blaster from Blade Runner.
It fires 4 darts at the same time. It’s a decent nerf blaster, for the price.
Nerf N-Strike Modulus ECS-10 Blaster 
This one will cost you a bomb, but look at it. If you don’t see the charm of this space-ish marine rifle, you’re simply a heartless person.
Even the name given to it is like a gun out of Call of Duty. This is a cooler and better version of the Regular you saw earlier. A must buy if you’re ready to shell out some more money. Best nerf blasters often come with a higher cost point.
Nerf Doomlands Impact Zone Longarm 
To every Chris there’s a Liam in the family (disappointing sibling – Hemsworth edition). This one seems to be a candidate for a Liam for the Doomland series of nerf blasters.
One of the cheap nerf guns, but only in terms of looks. There’s enough plastic here to clog a niagara falls. Don’t have much to day, I’m just heartbroken.
Nerf Official: Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger 2-pack 
I don’t like laser tag, if epilepsy is your thing. Knock yourself out. A pack of two pew-pew guns, even your kids won’t enjoy using these (that is if they’re functional).
I know all nerf guns are plastic but this gives even plastic a bad name.
Nerf N-Strike Elite HyperFire Blaster 
A barrel loading nerf gun is an enthusiast’s daydream. More capacity than another type of gun. Faster loading and higher rate of fire.
The Elite HyperFire pretty much sums up what this gun is. Its for the ones with an elite taste in exquisite things of life. With a Thompson Style butt-stock and a drum that has a capacity of 25, this will help you dominate every match you have with your friends and family.
Nerf Zombie Strike FlipFury Blaster 
If you look at this gun and ask yourself what it is, your reaction will be justified. This is an oddly satisfying design with two six shooter barrels mounted atop one another.
A pistol grip nerf gun that belongs to zombie strike nerf guns, which is popular amongst the kids of today. The design is the saving grace, not much else here.
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Nerf N-Strike Mega Series RotoFury Blaster 
One look at the RotoFury and you get this feeling like you’ve seen it before and you have, just in more better versions.
It fires up to 90 feet, holds 10 darts, does the same old, same old but the tacky and gaudy design pulls it under the bus in similar shotgun styled nerf blasters. Plus, its not even that cheap in price and price only.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rough Cut 2X4 Blaster 
The novelty of excess never seems to run out. Take this gun for example, there are two rows of 4 nerf darts in each.
With a press of a button, you can unleash holy onto your opponents. Design is uninspired and follows the same orange-blue aesthetics of nerf guns. Just another one of the nerf toys.
Nerf Zombie Strike Doominator Blaster 
Another entry in the zombie strike nerf guns, this is a cool looking nerf machine gun with a barrel of barrel of darts.
Let me explain, there is a barrel of 4 magazines of 6 bullets capacity each. There is a stock support under the barrel for more accurate shots. What more do you need?
Nerf N-Strike Elite Triad EX-3 Blaster 
If you are a collector of cool nerf guns, this one’s for you. If you play a game of nerf, its not. It’s a tiny pistol gripped nerf gun with a capacity of 3 darts.
Its tiny, ugly and kill an ant if it was already suffering from a terminal illness. Not much at offer here.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rampage Blaster 
The Rampage is unimpressive, it fires upto 75 feet and has a 25 dart drum that is side mounted.
The drum is probably the only unique thing about the gun. It looks like one of the cheap nerf guns despite its not so cheap price tag.
Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII-10K 
The Rival Nemesis is another entry from the Rival series of guns, it is brilliant and functional. A two battery powered wheels act as accelerators for projectile inside a large, transparent, top mounted magazine and holds up to a whopping 100 rounds. This is escalation of battle, the people who you play against will feel the heat.
This is probably the best nerf machine gun on the list when compared for each aspect (price, functionality, design, etc.). A must buy.
Nerf N-Strike Mega Mega Mastodon 
The Mastodon can make a grown up petrify the first time they look at one. It is a freaky looking (in the best way) nerf cannon. This is one of the best nerf blasters on the list, with a firing capacity of 24 darts from its massive drum.
A battery operated cool nerf gun that is hip fired, firing at a long distance – it will make other kids have PTSD. It’s not just for kids, too cool to be just for kids.
Nerf Rival Khaos MXVI-4000 Blaster 
The Rival Khaos is essentially a more pocket friendly version Nemesis mentioned a few nerf guns ago.
It is battery operated, shoots up to 90 feet, fires the same round projectile and kicks ass. There’s a word for a person who would ask for anything more, greedy.
Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS 
A nerf gun that comes with a mounted shield, probably to protect the usr from the gun itself. This thing needs to be held to be experience. It is one of the most powerful nerf gun on the list.
While playing indoors, if you miss a shot, you’ll probably blow a hole in your house walls. You do know that most of my descriptions are hyperboles, right?
Nerf Mega ThunderBow Blaster 
Its a bow, its a gun, its a bow-nerf-gun. The most unique designed nerf gun on the list, hands down. It fires up to a supersonic 100 feet.
If there is a gate that separates boys and men, this is probably what you get handed on your way through it. Don’t expect it to be one of the cheap nerf gun, premium design comes with a premium prices.
Nerf Combat Creatures TerraDrone 
This is more of a tactical, recon kind of deal. It is a remote controlled drone that fires nerf darts on the press of button. Cool toy.
Believe it or not, I am an adult and I find this to be something that I MUST have in my nerf collection. If you’re a collector, your collection is not complete without something like this.
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Nerf Hasbro N-Strike Elite Vulcan/Havok Fire Ebf 25 Dart Blaster 
It is a nerf machine gun which is so powerful, it should probably be illegal.
What is this list? A list of toys for children? You think this is a game? Setting my sick sense of humor aside for a minute, this is one cool looking nerf machine gun.
Nerf N Strike Elite Jolt Blaster (Orange) By Nerf 
You can buy this…at your own expense. That’s all I will say about it. No judgements.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 Blaster 
Have you ever seen that cool looking gun from Hollywood films, Sci-fi TV shows and videogames? Yup, this is that very gun. Designed to resemble the Heckler & Koch G36, a real world gun which has graced the popular culture since the last few years due to its futuristic and cool looking design.
There’s not much else here to say, Its a N-Strike gun so, it’s pretty decent in its performance(fires upto 75 feet, holds 18 darts, etc). Its for those who are purveyors of the cover and not the insides.
Nerf Vortex PRAXIS Blaster 
If your not concerned with the type of projectile, your only concern is the distance it goes – PRAXIS has got you covered. While not amongst the best nerf guns on this list, this weirdly designed nerf machine gun fires disks that go beyond most darts or ballistic projectiles.
It comes with other options for mobility as well (removable stock, smaller 10 disc quick release magazine, etc). Its air powered which means you’ll have to pump it in order to fire it.
ZURU X-Shot Vigilante (12 Darts) Dart Blaster 
Well, its a shotgun. Doesn’t shoot great, the distance is okay.
The design is nothing new (even for a shotgun toy). If you’re impressed by this, you were probably a formerly living in the town of under-the-rocks-ville, welcome to our world. (you probably didn’t even get the metaphor, why do I even try?)
Star Wars Boba Fett Electronic Blaster 
More of a Star Wars action figure guy here, their weapons are never very well built or detailed.
This is no exception. Never understood why people are such fans of Boba Fett either, he was in the films for, like, 2 seconds. Again, no judgements. You like it, you buy it. Not much at offer here.
Nerf Rebelle CornerSight Blaster B7452F07 
It looks cool, don’t expect it to do any more than that. The Rebelle is a pistol gripped cannon, it fires 4 nerf darts at once, distance of projectile is not travelling across a continent and nothing much else is in its way for functionality. You like collecting cool nerf guns? Get this one.
You want to win a nerf match against your friends? You’ll be destroyed before you can scream ‘Reload’ if you use this. It bends around corners to fire but the obnoxiously gigantic barrel would be visible from space, good luck on your recon mission, Snake Plissken.
Nerf Rival Phantom Corps Hades XVIII-6000 
An impressive piece of machinery, the Rival Phantom Corps is both a great looking and well functioning nerf gun. It fires up to a 100 feet (30 meters/second), has an easy load magazine and carries up to 60 rounds per magazine.
A battery powered nerf blaster, it has a futuristic white coloured design with a rotating barrel design. The blaster also comes with shoulder straps for more stability and holstering. This is one of the best nerf blasters on this list. Buy it.
Nerf N-Strike Elite AccuStrike Series FalconFire 
N-Strike’s Elite Falcon Fire is a cool sci-fi western looking gun. Looking like it came straight out of the world of Firefly (If you’ve not seen it, you’re missing out), it is a pistol gripped mauser styled handgun. It can be top loaded with darts on the go but sadly is only a single shot dart gun.
On design principle it would pass with flying colours but that is not the only thing about a nerf gun. This one doesn’t offer much else other than the design and cool loading mechanism. This one goes to the collectors as well.
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Nerf Modulus IonFire Blaster 
Modulus usually makes really good blasters, this one is not one of those. It just looks like a cheap childrens toy. Another top loading, single shot dart shooter. This time, it doesn’t have the excuse of being pretty as well. Unless you’re a rebel, in that case you are rebelling against good taste in things and congrats you’ve won.
You have a bad taste in nerf guns! This gun has no redeemable qualities. No appealing dimensions. No seems to be the magic word here, so, I’ll say it as well – No, I don’t recommend buying this.
Nerf Zombie Strike RevReaper 
Pretty sure that the intention behind this blasters design were noble – noble don’t pay no bills. This is another one of the uglies of the list. The green here detracts from the package instead of adding to it.
The size of thing isn’t petite either, making it look like a hug green pile of alien excrement. Sorry, fans of zombie strike nerf guns, this one’s a stinker. The kid used in the promotional material of this blaster also seems to be forcing a smile, hope they paid him well enough for this.
Nerf Modulus Ghost Ops Evader 
Another failure from Modulus, the Ghost Ops Evader is not impressing anyone. The novelty factor of this nerf blaster is that it is ‘invisible’ or ‘see-through’ (everything from the gun to the darts used). However, It ends up looking cheaply built as the design embarrassingly backfires.
The only way this would look cool is if you were playing a game of nerf shootout at night (because it lights up) – Anybody else see a problem with that? When you’re done climbing out of an open manhole, after a game of nerf (that is if you survive an incident like that without any scratches), you’ll surely need an invisibility cloak to hide your embarrassment.
Nerf Zombie Strike Doublestrike Blaster 
This looks garbage. Not even going to waste any more words describing it. It lacks everything that all the guns have. It belongs more on the list of “Best ways to waste $10”.
Its kinda unique, if you’re a collector of nerf guns. So, it does have one things going for it. For from the best nerf guns on this list.
Nerf Super Soaker Scatterblast Blaster 
A water-gun in the list. The Scatterblast seems to be a good package for its price. Looks department does need a facelift but when were water-guns known for their beauty.
Suitable for playing pranks or simply a game of water shooting. Not a fan of it, if it serves your purpose, it serves your purpose. It is made up a safe materials, a pop-up sights, shoots a stream 34 feet away and finally, stores upto 22 ounces. That’s all.
Nerf Rebelle Diamondista Blaster 
For all the princesses reading this, this blaster will bring sparkles to your eyes. As the name Diamondista suggests, this is fancy. If Rapunzel had this blaster, she wouldn’t have needed a prince to slay the dragon. This purple coloured (opaque) crossbow styled nerf blaster is bling.
It fires up to 75 feet, stores 2 darts and fires one. Honestly, It’s a stinker but the price is right for the offered package, plus if you like shiny things….No judgements.
Nerf Zombie Strike Survival System Scravenger 
The Scravenger is something out of a videogame (like a lot of guns on this list), It looks tough and strong (even if it isn’t). It’s more of a kit, then a nerf gun but it’s worth a look.
This orange blaster comes with a lot of accessories (scopes, stock, two clips, barrel extension, etc.) in the box, if your kid is a fan of such things – He’ll love it. Even for collectors, this thing will great in a display. The tiny blaster that comes in the package shoots up to 50 feet. It’s good for a kids playtime, not for a nerf enthusiast.
Nerf N-Strike SharpFire Blaster 
A single shot nerf blaster, it is unique in its vintage design (similar to a bolt action single shot rifle). It does hold upto 6 nerf darts in the butt stocks of the gun. Everything else is quite decent for the package, especially the quite affordable price-tag. This one will entertain your kid for a long time.
SharpFire is one of the more uniquely designed nerf guns on this list. Collectors would love to have this in their collections.
Nerf N-Strike Elite TerraScout 
This is the second drone on this list. A slight improvement over the the drone mentioned earlier. It is better designed and more mobile for one.
The remote controller comes with more options and is more intuitive overall. You can view a live feed from the drone mounted camera onto the display. If you’re one for overkill, here’s your Spagett.
Nerf Zombie Strike Sledgefire Blaster 
If you’ve ever played the game Borderlands, you’ll be able to see where the inspiration for this gun comes from. Sledgefire comes with 9 darts in the box, fires shells of 3 each and comes with a removable stock (keep a screwdriver handy).
The shooting range will not blow your mind, the design is not something you haven’t seen before. It is a good looking nerf gun, can’t promise you much else from it. It’s a decent buy, but a quite overpriced.
Nerf Doomlands 2169 Negotiator Blaster 
Doomlands has a penchant towards making really good looking nerf guns. The 2169 Negotiator is a misnomer however, if your kid points this at another kids face, it won’t be considered diplomacy but bullying.
It fires 8 darts at once, comes with a retractable hammer and a spinning barrel. Cool item for collectors and for kids. It priced in a sweet spot as well. 999/100 would recommend.
Nerf Zombie Strike Crosscut Blaster 
It’s not a very great looking or shooting nerf blaster. If you’re into that whole Cogs Vs Locusts thing, you’ll like it for its obnoxious foam blade that they’ve stuck between the barrel.
Its okay for small children to play with. You have to pull a lever to fire two dart, it’s lame.
Nerf Mega Sonic Ice Centurion Blaster 
A nerf machine gun, there’s novelty in the idea itself but does the Centurion succeed? Well, yes it does. The darts are of the Mega Whistler variety. This hiss while they pass by, emulating a real bullet quite well.
Even the see-through design works well for this one, the plastic is tinted blue and different parts use colours like orange and grey to break the monotony. This is a cool toy. Slightly heavy on the pockets.
Nerf N Strike Scout 
A pack of two nerf guns that come with 3 darts each. They fire one at a time and two can be stored in the front of the gun itself. Nothing impressive here.
Even for the price-tag of $44 you can find something much superior to it. Each gun on its own is too pricey for the package but if you’re kid is into dual wielding weapons, you’re not left with many options out there.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Centurion Blaster 
If you look close enough, you’ll notice that this is the same blaster as Sonic Ice Centurion Blaster. That’s because it is. It is a slightly cheaper variant, everything inside is the same.
Gone is the see through exterior of the gun and replaced with an orange and red colour combination. It’s a good buy if you’re not interested in aesthetics as much as you like a lower price point.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Infinus 
Nerf N strike Infinus is a nerf machine gun that comes with a drum-styled magazine (which can hold upto 30 darts). The firing mechanism is motorized and requires batteries to run.
The design aesthetic is nice and unique. It auto-loads darts from the drum itself, no efforts needed there. This is escalation in the fields of nerf matches. The blaster is priced reasonably as well. No reasons to not buy this.
Nerf Mega Thunderhawk Combat Blaster 
Thunderhawk is a pretty cool looking nerf sniper, a bipod supports the barrel of the gun and a magazine of Mega Whistler darts are inserted into the gun via a side loading clip.
My only complaints lie with the colour choice, could’ve been something better or more unique. Otherwise, this is a pretty good deal for the price.
Nerf Laser Ops Pro DeltaBurst 
The idea behind this laser tag gun is not something people wouldn’t appreciate. I, myself am not a big fan of laser tag guns, but this one is pretty cool in its own right. Using their app you can use your mobile screen as a killcam (which is honestly pretty cool).
The HUD displays stats onto the phone as well, like health, ammo and team. For the price, this is a must buy for the laser tag fanbase and a strong consideration for the casuals.
Star Wars Nerf Episode VII Chewbacca Bowcaster 
This Chewbacca Bowcaster is an ideal toy for your kid, not such a good deal for a Star Wars collector. It shows some resemblance with the real movie crossbow, but it’s too nerf’ed out.
There are ugly oranges and greens here. However, for the price, it is a good deal. As a childrens toy.
Star Wars Nerf Han Solo Blaster 
Same as earlier, good toy not a good collectors item. This one does show more of a resemblance as compared to the Bowcaster, which was outright drab. Build quality is not bad, safe plastics are used for children to play with. It is $4 more than the Bowcaster, which is okay.
This is a better gun in every dimension. It shoots glow in the dark darts and makes blaster sounds every time you press the trigger.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12 Blaster 
With a price tag that touches $80, the Elite cam ECS-12 is one of the finer tastes in life. It comes with a small LCD display which acts as a HUD or Killcam for the gun (which is always pretty cool).
The design of the blaster is very futuristic space corps styled, which is pretty good as well. This nerf blaster has a lot of good things going for it. It has a motorised firing mechanism and shoots up to 85 feet. If you don’t mind the slightly expensive price, it’s the one for you.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Spectre Rev-5 Stealth Blaster 
This is a revolver styled blaster with a stock attached to the back for stabilization of shots.
It looks pretty good, it’s aesthetic is a mix between futuristic and wild west – that makes it a unique looking thing in itself. Don’t expect much else, all other functions are average at best.
Nerf Zombie Strike Hammershot Blaster 
If you’re a fan of the western classics like The Good, The bad and The Ugly (from Sergio Leone) and sci-fi films like Blade Runner, you’d appreciate what this nerf gun is trying to do.
It’s a very Cyber-western mix and match of things. The blaster has a revolving barrel that shoots 5 darts at the same time, while there is a hammer at the back the cocks while you press the trigger. Pretty cool stuff. Not much in areas of gun-play. But if you collect things, this one’s for you.
Nerf N-Strike Elite SurgeFire 
In the way of experience of using this thing, it is quite well built and fun to use. And while you won’t be able to fend off an invading North Korea with this thing, it does pack a punch (shoots up to 90 feet).
Insides are totally mechanical, fires due to an air chamber (pump action). A barrel styled drum houses 30 darts, this massive gun feels good in hand. A great mix of good design and functionality.
To all Halo fans delight, this replica MA5 nerf blaster is good. It looks pretty close to the actual thing and the build quality is pretty decent. Even the details on thing’s body aren’t too shabby either.
It uses a side mounting, 8 dart clip. This one is fun for both the kids and the adult collectors of Halo fanbase.
Nerf Doomlands 2169 Vagabond Blaster
In my opinion, the Vagabond blaster is the best looking nerf blaster from Doomlands. It has a very unique, Godkiller vibe to it. An overly extended 6 dart drum fires all six shots at once, but loading is fairly easy.
It is completely mechanical so, the gun uses an air pump action chamber to create the force needed to fire. Not the strongest contender in the power category, but it’s extremely unique aesthetics ensure a top spot on this list.
Nerf Modulus StockShot 
The Stockshot might not be a gun, it is something quite unique and useful. A stock attachment for a bigger nerf machine gun, the Stockshot however, acts as a mini pistol when removed.
Now, imagine you’re in the middle of an intense match, you run out of darts. You pull this out and tag your enemy, he’ll be in for a surprise, while you feel like a total badass. It’s a cool little accessory and a must buy for nerf fanatics.
Nerf Rebelle Agent Bow Blaster with purple arrows 
A nerf bow with nerf dart arrows, the Rebelle Agent is a looker, all the female nerf fans would appreciate this specially designed bow only for the girls (Hey! you could totally like purple even if you’re dude….No judgements!).
Only problem is, it’s too tiny for human proportions. So, it takes away from looking like a real bow, its a mini-bow. Archery fans would appreciate and so would collectors.
Nerf Dog Tennis Ball Blaster Gift Set 
Now, here is something your dog will appreciate you for. It is a tennis ball launcher from the family of nerf. Shoots tennis balls up to 50 feet into the air. This will have your dog shake in excitement.
Also a good option for you to get your lazy children to take the dog out for a walk and get some exercise for themselves. Two targets, one gun!
Nerf Rival Atlas XVI-1200 Blaster 
A hand cannon from Rival, this is a perfect small (relatively) hand blaster which finds a balance between size and power.
It comes with a 12 round quick eject and load clip on top, these are small, yellow, foam ball projectiles. In the box you get the batteries and 12 extra rounds. Not a bad deal after all.
EXSPORT Blaster Gun N-Strike Elite Series 
Man, woman or child, this gun will bring out the bounty hunter in you. A cool looking tiny 9.8 inch blaster which comes with a loaded feature set out of the box.
The accessories you get are: 30 foam darts, tactical waist holster, shooting target, dart wrister, etc. The design is very futuristic and cool. Just don’t expect much quality in design and detailing for the price tag of $14.
Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator 
The Retaliator is a decent performing, well-built and designed nerf machine gun from N-Strike.
Its is very well priced for the power it packs (shoots up to 90 feet). 12 has a quick eject 12 dart clip which is mounted under the gun in traditional machine gun style and is designed to replicate an SAR-80 assault rifle which is a classic.
That’s it folks, those were some of the best nerf guns and blasters that you will find online. For all bounty hunters, soldiers and nerf herders…have a good hunting party!