Article Rewriter or Spinner tools help you write similar content using other written content thereby saving both time and effort. Writing content for your own website time and time again can get very exhausting. It is important to bring in fresh and new perspectives, which is rarely achievable with only one person.
Sometimes, you would also experience writer blocks where getting words to come out of you is hard to achieve. Being a professional blogger or beginner will require you to use these tools for the benefit or Optimising your website.
Here are 10 Best Article Spinner and Rewriter Tools to help you stay on top of the game:
1. Word AI
Word AI is one of the best article rewriter tools online. With its capacity to generate content with the same readability as normally written content, it is marked the best in the market. As it uses Artificial intelligence to understand the content, you can create an unlimited number of human-readable content within just a few seconds.
The articles generated by this tool are 100% unique and not a single search engine can mark the content as spam. It completely understands the meaning of a sentence and then puts synonyms accordingly.
It can understand the intent and purpose of the content and then creates better and high-quality content. It can also support a variety of other languages, so go ahead and write in whichever language you are comfortable with.
While it is not completely free it does come with 2 payment plans:
- Monthly plan – $49.95/month
- Yearly plan – $347/month
However, both the plans come with a free 3 days trial. So, do test it out before you commit to paying for its service.
2. The Best Spinner
The best spinner is one of the priciest article rewriter tools that allows you to rewrite your article in a single click. This artificial-intelligence-based article rewriter creates a type of content that is easily understood by humans and is also logically sane.
It provides a 100% plagiarism free article within a matter of just a few seconds. It is so smart that it escapes Google’s watchful eyes of plagiarism that mark it as duplicate content. This is due to the fact that it has super-smart AI capabilities. The best part of the tool is that it can rewrite articles in 15 other languages. The best Spinner comes with three premium plans:
- Basic plan – $67/year
- Standard plan – $126/year
- Pro plan- $247/year
3. Clever Spinner
CleverSpinner is an AI-based article rewriter tool that is considered one of the best in the market. Its performance is mind-blowing owing to the artificial intelligence it uses and the very advanced and unique method of spinning your content.
Content written by this article rewriter sounds just like a native speaker’s writing. Among all the article spinners mentioned here, this is one of the cheaper options and way simpler to use as well. Simply, copy and paste the content you want to spin and then press a button. You should get the spun content in a matter of a few seconds.
Clever spinner’s content is a software that also claims to generate 100% unique content that will pass the duplicate content test. It is an intelligent software that first understands the context and meaning of sentences before spinning them.
Even if your original content has complex sentences and phrases, CleverSpinner will simplify them after the spinning process. Lucky for your vocabulary hating writers, CleverSpinner also comes with an extensive library of synonyms, thereby offering the best alternatives for commonly used words making your article unique.
All good things do come at a price. Clever spinner is inexpensive enough without compromising on quality. It is one of the best article rewriters out there on the market.
CleverSpinner offers a single plan with a 3-days trial period. They charge you a basic fee of $9.90 per month that offers complete access to the software. It works on advanced artificial intelligence for the processing of natural language and spins articles as if written by humans.
This software can rewrite both word and phrase-level also. It can also rewrite a whole sentence without getting rid of its meaning. The generated articles by clever rewriters are not unique but it also sounds very professionally written. You can rewrite multiple .txt files at once or also use API to achieve the same.
4. SpinRewriter
SpinRewriter is a very commonly used tool. It uses ELN technology to provide you with unique, meaningful and exclusive content that makes it completely different. According to research, articles generated by spinning tend to rank higher in the search results.
This tool offers you a feature to integrate relevant images between the paragraphs. This tool is supported on all devices and all syntax styles, so you can select from them depending on what you need.
SpinRewriter is available in 3 paid plans:
- Monthly – $47/month
- Yearly – $197/month
- Life – $495 one time payment
If you don’t want to compromise the meaning of your article or the content you aim to convey after spinning then you should try Spin Rewriter. Due to this, thousands of users including SEO experts, bloggers, students, have all been actively using Spin Rewriter. Since Spin Rewriter uses the Emulated Natural Language technology that spins the content without actually losing its true meaning, it is the best option for you on the market. Spin Rewriter also allows you to compare the spun article and their original article side-by-side so you can see the difference it has made. The stock photograph integration is an important feature that no other article rewriting tools offer.
5. Article rewriter of the Pre-post SEO
Article rewriter of the Prepostseo uses advanced Artificial Intelligence to rewrite the article in such a way that it is 100% free of errors. The AI helps change the structure of the sentences in such a way that it is human-friendly and rid of any errors. It is one of the preferred online tools that provide facilities for plagiarism check, grammar check, SEO scores check and article rewriting. It is one of the best article rewriter software that is free to download.
Here are some notable features:
- It is free to use tool
- There is no limit on rewriting
- You can upload files instead of copy-pasting to spin the content
- You can also conduct a final check by users including manual changes.
- You can use plagiarism check as a final step
- It comes with a readily available Chrome extension
- It integrates the use of other tools for the combined result
- Article Rewriter of Prepostseo is also the ideal tool for every single student, author, teachers, writers, and bloggers, etc.
6. Chimp Rewriter
Chimp Rewriter is another good article rewriter tool that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to understand the text better. The article is spun in such a way that it is easily understood by humans. AI and NLP allow the software to rewrite plagiarism-free articles. The best feature of this tool is that it supports almost all languages, sparing a few dialects. You can spin your article in any language and all grammatical errors will be taken into consideration, so the article is pure and very well rewritten.
It is available in two plans:
- Monthly plan- Available at $15 per month
- Annual plan- $99 per month
Both plans come with a 14-day trial period.
7. SmallSEOtool Article Rewriter
SmallSEOTools article rewriter is a very well-known and widely used tool. It is used to generate automated or spun content. It is the best article spinner online for any type of article.
The tool only changes the wording of the content in such a way that the meaning remains the same. Designed specifically for new and beginner level bloggers, it makes it very easy for the user to utilize it.
The articles generated by this tool are fully unique and understandable by humans and loved by search engines all alike. The tool is constantly updated so that you are provided with the best result. SmallSEOTool also provides other features that help your article be one of the best written across all search engines. This tool is completely free and you can use it anytime and anywhere.
8. Spinbot
Spinbot is known to generate unique content that seems original. It is mainly used by SEO professionals to get more backlinks. It is a free tool which means it does not have any advance options for generating content. They have a subscription plan that only helps you remove ads and captcha. It is a “Freemium” tool, so it does come with a lot of restrictions. However, you can buy their subscriptions for better use. You will be able to regenerate a maximum of 10,000 characters at once.
Their subscription comes with 3 plans as follows:
- Monthly plan – $10/month.
- Half-year plan – $50 for 6 months
- Yearly plan – $75 per year.
9. Spinner Chief
Spinner chief, much like other article rewriter tools on this list, uses artificial intelligence and natural processing algorithms that help generate 100% unique content. It is known to produce high-quality human-readable articles.
Here are some noteworthy features:
- It uses Part-of-Speech Analysis, Emulated NL and AI, Statistical Replacement Technology, etc. to provide human-like quality to your content.
- It supports 20+ languages from around the globe
- It manages cloud-based thesaurus for word flipping
- In-built grammar checking and thorough article spinning formula
- It is available as an online application and is also downloadable desktop software
If you’re using it for personal use you can avail any of the plans below.
- Free- it comes with the basic options
- Elite- At $87 of one-time payment integrated with a few advanced features.
- Ultimate- $315 one-time, $46/year, $23/month, $7 for 3 days with $53/year, or $7 for 3 days with $149 one-time fee.
For official use:
- 5 members-$413 one-time, $204/year, $7 for 3 days with $420 one-time
- 10 members- $689 one-time, $273/year, $7 for 3 days with $696 one-time
10. SEO Tool Station
SEO Tool Station helps you spin any article into human-readable content. All you need to do is copy and paste your text inside the text box and hit enter. It will quickly spin your article and you need not pay an extra dime for you to be able to use this tool. This is completely free to use article rewriter, so take advantage of it!
SEO Tool Station will scan your content for certain words that can be replaced with a synonym of that word and will be switched automatically within a few minutes.
What Are Article Rewriter Tools?
Article rewriter tools are software or online applications that automatically rewrite or paraphrase the content that has been imputed into a variety of different versions without losing its meaning. Using them is also very straight-forward and easy to achieve.
Article rewriter consists of many algorithms, which produce high-quality articles that are plagiarism-free and completely understandable by humans.
Even search engines can’t recognize them as spun content! All you need to do is copy your content and paste it in the article spinner input box. The content that has been imputed is known as the original content and the output received is the spun or paraphrased content. This entire process is fully automated.
Is Article Spinning Legal?
Yes, article spinning is completely legal. As long as you do not blindly copy the copyrighted content, you will not face any lawsuits or legal complaints. Initially, it began as a black-listed SEO tactic that was highly frowned upon in the digital marketing industry. However, over time it has gained some positive feedback as well as some loyal users. Users have now started using it for the right purposes instead of exploiting it.
Do article Rewriters work?
Article rewriters work efficiently and smoothly in giving you the content you would need. A lot of people might frown down on it, and they are right in doing so. It is basic and does not bring anything new to the table. It is already ranking content that undergoes some changes. However, it is very useful when you start a new website that will require a lot of content to rank on any search engine. But it is best that you do not make a practice out of it.
Why should you choose article writing?
Here are some benefits of using article spinner tools:
- You can create content that is worth guest posting
- For a micro-niche blog
- Creating new PBN
- Showcasing business sites
- Used for marketers and paid-ads landing pages
- Writing highly competitive but necessary articles
Article writing or spinning content is an easy and efficient way of getting the job done. However, do proof-read the content before publishing the final draft.
These are some of the best Article rewriter tools in the market. Try a few options out and decide which one you prefer. However, all the recommended options are great, but it does depend on how you write and what you need it for. It is guaranteed that you will be well-satisfied with the respective results. Every tool has its specialty and you will be able to find the one thing that sets it apart from the others.