It is fair to say that these days the world runs on android apps. Every company worth its salt is developing apps that can put their presence in people’s pockets. Not only that, game studios worldwide are trying to make their presence felt on Android devices. The reasoning is simple. People spend most of their time on their phones.
If you, as a company, can capitalize on this market, then you usher in a whole new dimension of business possibilities. It is, for this reason, that business-like BookMyShow, Zomato, and IRCTC have apps of their own.
The first step to having a successful app is to have an exceptional developer. One who understands the workings of apps and knows how to grab the attention of customers. This is why, even successful games like Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds, go to third-party developers for the deployment of their apps.
For that reason, we have collected for you the name of ten outstanding Indian android app development companies who will help you gain dominance in the world of Android devices.
Here is the list of 10 Best Android & iOS App Development Companies in India:
1. FATbit Technologies
FATbit Technologies is a name among the best android & iOS app development companies across the globe. Over the last 17 years, the company has developed 5000+ web & mobile app development projects for small-scale as well as multi-billion-dollar enterprises.
The company boasts a team of 150+ innovative experts who’ve developed Android & iOS apps for diverse industry verticals like fitness, education & healthcare, sports, logistics & transportations, etc.
The company uses advanced tools and technologies to deliver the top quality android and iOS app development services to its worldwide clients. From GoodFirms to Clutch, FATbit Technologies has also been recognized by various research and review companies.
- Android app development
- iOS App development
- eCommerce app development
- Agile software development
- CMS development
- Enterprise app development
- Node.js development
- Laravel development
2. OpenXcell
OpenXcell is a goals-oriented company that takes your app requirements very seriously. OpenXcell gives in-house solutions to a multitude of problems and requirements. They have worked with prestigious companies like Pedigree and Google, which has given them excellent experience in the market.
OpenXcell makes sure that once you go to them, you won’t need to worry about your app again.
Services they offered:
- Software Development
- Mobile App Development
- Blockchain Technology
- Web and eCommerce
- Chat Bots
3. Hyperlink Infosystem
If there is a company that encompasses every aspect of app development, then it is Hyperlink Infosystem. It is a shining example of what an app development company should be. From creating apps on every platform (from Android to Chromecast) to making fully-fledged games, Hyperlink Infosystem has created a name for itself as being an expert in the world of apps.
Services they offer:
- Mobile Game Development
- Software Development Services
- Mobile App Development
- Blockchain Technology
- Web Development and eCommerce
4. ChromeInfo Technologies
This company excels in creating apps for startups and agencies. They are the best at providing a mobile extension to businesses. Their specialization has helped them become leaders when it comes to creating app extensions of websites. Startups, especially, will be helped immensely by having such peerless apps at their service.
5. IndiaNIC Infotech Limited
If you are in the market for an app, then you most certainly have heard of IndiaNIC Infotech Limited. If you need an estimation of their capabilities, then all you need to do is take a glimpse at their list of clients. Adidas, Cisco, Vodafone, Pepsi, and so much more have benefitted from IndiaNIC Infotech’s dedicated work. Mobile apps, mobile games, VR apps, etc. are all within their expertise. There’s nothing that you could want that this company doesn’t have.
6. Prismetric
Prismetric was known most for being a spectacular company that provided e-commerce and data services. While app development was a relatively new field for them, they have brought to it the same about of perseverance and hard work. The subsequent result was that Prismetric became one of the most sought-after companies for web development. If Prismetric is developing your app, you can rest assured it will be an app par excellence.
7. Octal IT Solution
Octal IT Solution’s motto is “Technology Outsourcing Simplified”. And it has successfully upheld this promise. Octal IT Solution makes sure that your app can be outsourced to absolutely every device under the sun. Phones, tablets, wearable devices, and many more gadgets, Octal IT Solution makes an app for all of them.
Their prowess is such, that they can apps that are perfect on all platforms, operating systems, and devices. Octal IT Solution is the perfect company to develop apps for businesses that are intending to expand themselves into new frontiers.
8. Promatics Technologies
If you are someone new in the world of apps, you don’t just need a good developer, you also need guidance as to what your app should be. It needs to have a look and feel that reflects your business and practices.
This is not easy to do on your own but, thankfully, Promatics Technologies is here to make your life easier. Not only will they develop custom apps on your behalf, but they will also give you a free consulting session. This will assist you to get the app that is best suited to your business.
9. Konstant Infosolutions
Most app development companies will take up your project, work on it, and then supply with the finished product. However, this is not the process that Konstant Infosolutions prefers to follow. They prefer to have you involved throughout the development procedure. From giving you a quote for the development of your app, to taking inputs at every level of the app’s development, Konstant Infosolutions makes sure that the app is uniquely suited to all of your requirements.
10. Logicspice Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Different businesses need different sorts of apps. The app that a restaurant needs will be worlds apart from the app that is required by a Job Portal. Logicspice Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. understands this stipulation, which is why they have experts for all genres of apps.
Crowdfunding apps, taxi booking apps, equipment systems apps, and even property rental apps, all are handled with remarkable proficiency. Especially if you have a niche app in mind, Logicspice Consultancy’s command over app development will help to bring it to reality.
11. Appster
There are not many app development companies that can matchup to Appster. And there is also a good reason behind that. Appster has created all sorts of apps, for every kind of company.
Their apps have consistently been featured in Android’s list of top apps and have garnered immense popularity. These astounding achievements have been made possible by their understanding of apps, persistence, and experience. Once Appster works on your app, you are certain to have a world-class mobile application on your hands.
Software is the topmost Houston, Texas-based software designing firm for the last 10 years. They strive to achieve the same levels of fame in their Bengaluru, Karnataka branch.
It is an agency which provides seamless interactive digital experiences to their customers. It is a mish-mash of design, communication, creativity, and prowess in software design. Mobile app design isn’t the only thing that they excel at, however, their focus has been shifted to in the last few years.
Using the same interactive and intuitive design principles, they design mobile apps for the Indian market and offshore customers. All while being a great value for their customer’s money.
Hedgehog Labs
Hedgehog Labs is a global software designing and technology consultancy company with offices in 5 countries across the globe such as the US, UK, Denmark, and India.
Seeing an opportunity in the rising market for all things digital and over 400 million active internet users in India, they just couldn’t resist the need to develop an office right here. Their aim is to help organizations (big and small) innovate and build brilliant software solutions. They do so through their four-step process of discovery, design, build and scale.
Some of their high-profile clients involve Autodesk, Mitsubishi, Microsoft, B&M, CMC markets, and much more. They were also integral in the development of software for the technological innovation that is Microsoft’s Hololens.
Lochridge is a software development, custom app design, and consultancy company developed as early as 2014. A Detroit-based company (seriously, Detroit has been at the center of so many sci-fi movies, you would’ve heard of it by now) they are specialists in designing custom app solutions in the areas of cars, smartwatches, health, and other supplementary technology. They stand out because of their choice to develop accompanying software for future technology which is going to be big.
Automated cars, more involved smartwatches, digital and more intelligent health systems (all things of sci-fi) are going to be a reality in the coming years. They are a sub-division of their parent company, DMI.
By the sound of it, they sound like something out of a Transformers film. Diaspark is a custom software developer and software consultancy firm based out of Edison, New Jersey.
They are specialists in developing innovative value-adding software for your suite. If you’re a Healthcare, Education, Jewelry, NPO, Pharma, or Renewable energy company, they will design software for you. A more corporate company in their way of work, Diaspark is not primarily a mobile app developer.
They know it is the future and use that to their advantage. Their suite of services is large on its own, stretching from all digital corporate services that one may need in running a successful company.
This 2010 tech startup from Cerritos, California is now a multi-million dollar company within a decade of its inception. They self-describe themselves as being a pioneering mobility design company. A company that is making new headway in their particular area of existence.
In their short period of existence, they truly have made some headway, with over 500 apps delivered out of which over 10 have received 100K+ downloads and they have a customer satisfaction rate of 94%. They are what one would categorize as a full-stack app developer. Other areas of work involve IoT, Maintenance, Web development, and UI/UX designs.
Y Media Labs
Y media labs or YML is an interaction, experience, and innovations design agency that builds one experience at a time. Looking at their webpage you will come to realize the caliber of their work and the quality of their undertakings. They worked with companies such as Facebook, Home Depot, Paypal, L’oreal, Staples, North Face, and many more. To develop and sharpen the experience factor of using their apps.
In many of their case studies, you will come to realize that they have worked in developing unique and engaging experiences. As well as innovative and intuitive software solutions that make the software nothing as you’ve experienced before.
Most of their software has been around experience design and not just a simple app design. This mobile app designing company has made some innovations in its time of existence.
Click Labs
While Click Labs might not as big or competitive as many others on this list but they are a success in their own right. A technology software solutions lab that develops for mobile and web-based platforms.
An aspiring and hardworking team of software developers. They describe themselves as “Click Labs is the next-gen solution provider to drive your enterprises in the mobility space. Parent company to Jungleworks and Jugnoo”. Some of the largest projects that Click Labs has been a part of involve: Jugnoo, Igbo, CapitalOne, Tuli, ChefV, Order Joy, etc.
They approach each project with a different set of objectives in mind or scale, nature, or even its problem statement. In the end, accommodating different clients with different needs and budgets without compromise. Or as they say, technology is done right. Very true. But. Their website doesn’t reflect all of it.
Hence, the high bounce rate on it, because it’s not pretty. A company as talented as this is sending out mixed messages with that particular aesthetic.
The possibility of digital programming projects is especially to bring all parts of the administration of a business under one rooftop. Experion solutions can do that for you.
The first thing about Experion is their certainty on their 12 years+ involvement in programming improvement and IT consultancy. They need to create venture programming, item designing, and advanced change answers to help you scale and build up your business whatever market it might have a place with.
With their foot unequivocally planted into fields of transportation, social insurance, retail, and back. They have figured out how to raise themselves in the course of the most recent couple of years. The product configuration organization has likewise gotten honors from its ex-representatives and different other commentators.
The organization is presently working in more than 8 nations and has 450+ representatives working under them which is no little accomplishment for an autonomous programming designer.
Saffron Tech
Saffron Tech loves perfection in its work. It is reflected quite well through their customer satisfaction rate of a whopping 99% with over 1000 customers over the last decade. They have been moving quite fast in that regard considering that their competitors (many on this list) have merely serviced half that number of clients at the same time. Saffron tech is not exclusively a mobile app developer, but they are damn good at it.
Their list of services involves software solutions design, custom software design, mobile app design, maintenance, web application design, etc. However, their website could possibly use a facelift as it resembles something designed in the early 2010s by a group of talented programmers. Today, a normal person could design something like it using WordPress.
They’ve mostly worked for startups and smaller firms but that’s not a drawback of their lack of work ethics or experience but rather a choice. Serving in fields of eCommerce they’ve helped many firms to succeed from the bottom up.
Some of their notable works are the rental car service Revv, Times TSW, Arkansas Storm Shelters, and much more. They too see the potential of an offshore developmental model by opening an office in India.
A full-service software development company which is based out of India itself, Qburst has been quite a success story. They’ve worked with the likes of Apple, Andriod, Microsoft, etc., and are responsible for software innovations such as Quint, Automate, PenQ, ContextIQ, WebWatch24X7, and much more.
It is not common to see an India-based software developer standing beside the likes of global giants. So it is a testament to the work standards and ethics of Qburst that they can.
Their work practices, hard work, and strategizing are in parallel to the best of the best in India and abroad. Just a simple look through their web page will show you all their work, their experience, and their mix of traditional as well as an innovative approach to software design and design itself as a principle. Again, not a big company but it would be foolhardy to associate that with the work ethics or even the quality of output given out by this wonderful startup.
A leading web and mobile designer in Chennai (India) and the USA. Smarter can develop an infrastructural app for you from the top down. Do you want a restaurant app? Done. Want a Cab booking app? Done.
Anything that helps you or your business can be and will be designed by them. They have been quite successful in their work over the last few years and have made quite a name.
For themselves in the software development sphere. All this is possible because of their list of high-profile clients such as Lux Cars, Apollo Pharmacy, Aspire consultancy, Nova Star, and much more.
Although not a mobile app developer from its inception, they have made a strong shift in their software development work system to accommodate more for mobile app development.
Now, their primary area of focus is apps for mobiles on all platforms and the maintenance of those very apps. Due to their very competitive pricing, they were able to snatch up some of the very best local clients from other companies.
A multimillion-dollar company that develops multi-million dollar apps for multi-million dollar companies – MacAppStudio is a well-known mobile app developer across the globe. It has received several awards of recognition for its work.
The work in the fields of software development such as the “Most Valuable Developer Award” given to them by tech giant Intel. A winner of several “Best App Awards” for its work on apps like “Stay n Sync” and “Stay Informed”.
A company of vast skills, experience, and caliber, MacAppStudio has not only the accolades but the clientele to prove it. With names like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Intel, and Onereac.ai partnering with them on their development of several different software solutions.
They just might be the biggest and the best mobile apps developer on this list with no competition. There is nothing out there in the realms of software design that this company isn’t aware of or hasn’t pioneered.
Sourcebits has opened an office in Bengaluru, the silicon valley of India. It is a mobile app designer with eyes on the prize as they have a solid spotlight on chatbots. This advanced media drift will rule the following decade. Some of their largest clients have been Google, Apple, Microsoft, GoDaddy, Amazon, and so on.
They have built quite a reputation over the years working next to tech giants. By partnering with them and developing new innovations in the market of mobile app development.
There they take a shot at programming helped business arrangements with startup-like speed and the strength of a venture. A significant number of their representatives have given positive audits to the firm which say that the expectation to absorb information and the brains working there are the two reasons that make it an appropriate workplace.
Dot Com Infoway
Dot Com Infoway is a US-based mobile app developer and digital consultancy firm. Their customers are the absolute greatest organizations. For example, AOL, TVs, Dorel, Mahindra, MSN, Yahoo, Forix, Sanmax, and so on. They help businesses develop (of all shapes and sizes) through a consistent reconciliation. They put the computerized component into their business practices and incomes demonstrate.
Seeing a brilliant open door in India as an advanced goliath of things to come. With about 500 million potential clients; half of the population. No drop-in principles were experienced by the organization as they entered India. They give a similar expert and splendid programming and business consultancy arrangements.
The name has some power behind in from years as this old company. Which has found new ways to renovate themselves and the market that they are a part of.
These app development companies are some of India’s best. All of them excel in their craft, and each and every one of them is an excellent choice. By taking a look at these companies, and what sort of app you need, you will be able to take an accurate and educated decision.